Blightning: yes I want it, kinda, I just can't find room. Putrid leech: no, a 4/4 for 2 mana and 2 life isn't the best. abyssal persecutor: no, It won't let me win, so no. Maelstrom Pulse: Yea, maybe, but it's too expensive for me right now, I have most of these already though. The Outcast: They're bangin'!! They really do rock. They are usually the reason I win, that and broodmate.
1st: bring it down to 60 cards total 2nd: get the other sanguine bond 3rd: celestial mantle, ajani goldmane, rest for the weary, sunspring expedition, maybe use lots of vampires and feast of blood. Sorin Markov could be good too. hope this helps.
I know, I know... Add more multi-colored lands. I was lazy and didn't feel like putting any in.
I'm trying to find someone who'll give me Dragonskull Summits but nobody wants to get rid of them or doesn't even have them. I know what people say to Burining Inquiry but by turn four I can not only F*** up your hand but also cause 6 damage for only one mana. I do want to get in some more kill spells like doom blade or Hideous End. Thank you for your input.
OMFG!!!! Runes of Deus and Shield of the Oversoul on Uril, the Miststalker!!!! To have a 9/9 with shroud, flying, trample, indestrucible, and double strike. If you ever manage to let that happen you deserve to be shot in the head. Your opponents will hate you for being able to play three simple cards and have a god among men. Then all you have to do is play Asha's Favor and it's a 11/11 with vigilance as well. It's even worse when you can cascade into it by the Wurm. The Bloodbraid elf is there just to get Woolly Toctar and attack as well but I don't get the Spear Breaker Behemoth. I don't know why you're have Tempest of Light in there either. Very nice job my friend! Very nice indeed!
Conqueror's Pledge might be good too. Lots of tokens there.
I agree, it looks like you have a sideboard to turn it into Boss Naya. Terramorphic Expanse and Arid Mesa can go since you don't have landfall in here they're quite useless. I like how the only goblins that will be attacking are the tokens and thus they are a constant pressure on your opponent. The Naya Charm is almost useless so I'd use a Lightning Bolt instead. Trade in the Dauntless Escort for either mana ramp like he said above or more removal or more token generation. Broodmother is great because its not only your upkeep but your opponents upkeep as well.
I prefer mine. Very similar to yours just alot more powerful. Consider using mine. Jund Hackblade is not useful in your deck because it's the only multi colored card other than the deathraiders.
maybe exchange Naya Panorama for jungle Shrine since you don't need the fetch because you have no landfall. It reduces your chances of being hit by a Archive trap. Definetly add in 2 more bladmasters and probably take out the Evangel. In my opinion you should lay off the creature base alittle and add in some spells for removal. Like Planar Cleansing or Wrath of God or Day of Judgement. But not befor playing an Eldrazi Monument, lol.
One word: Omnath.
I have several words for you: Mycoloth, Doubling Season, switch to G/W and add Pallid Mycoderm and Mcologist and Pollenbright Wings. I get that you want it Green and Black but I'm not convinced that those are a Saprolings true colors. If you want to keep it Black I suggest more Morbid Blooms and at least add in a Garruk or two. My take on the fungus deck was a little different and a little faster I think. Possibly more aggressive too. Here it is, comment if you like:
Take out the archer, it's fairly useless. Run all four join the ranks and all four oran-rief survivalists. Ajani serves no purpose here for life gain, you have the ondu clerics and if you want more addin the Kabira Crossroads. Slack off of the Graypelt Hunters and for goodness sake man... ADD IN SOME HARABAZ DRUIDS!!!!!!! I'm wondering why you don't have Behemoth Sledges in here, they're perfect. One last thing, you can't run more than four of any non-basic lands so take your Graypelt Refuges down to four or better yet swith them for Sunpetal Groves. That is all, I hope this has helped you. I'm running a U/W Ally deck, check it out if you want.
Holy Be-jesus!!! Rite of Replication... Plus my milling creatures.. yea, perty badass. Nine mana is easily covered in my deck and fairly easily attained, especially with the super card draw of the Loremaster. Thanks guys.
I think you meant to post Treasure Hunt instead of Treasure Hunter, although that works to a degree if the Atlas' get destroyed except it's not an artifact. This isn't that bad of an idea but you need to make sure that you have a fail-safe plan. Also with all the search in Magic now, you might wanna add in some Archive traps for extra mill. I had been looking for a way to use Selcetive memory efficiantly. I see why you have the mirror of fate in there as well. Nice job!!
No Loxodon Warhammers or Loxodon Punisher?? For Shame!!! If you do add the Punisher I'd also add in Sword of Fire and Ice and/or Light and Dark and even some whispersilks. There's something about a 10/10 That is unblockable, has lifelink, trample and deals a little extra damage and lets you draw a card that is slightly appealing. ( that's a loxodon punisher with the warhammer, cloak, and sword of fire and ice attached.) In my opinion you should totally make this into and equipment deck that also runs predominantly Elephants 'cuz that's really scary. Nice job so far though.
OMG!!! Thank you! This is very good advice. Will do.
Yea, no problem. Although, I looked at it again and came to the conclusion that you could probably take out blue and be alright. You could then take out Scalding tarn since landfall isn't a relevent ability in this deck. Switch from the Creeping Tar Pit to the Lavaclaw Reaches man-land (I think that's what its called) just because blue wouldn't be in there anymore and the black/red one is probably the best man-land. You also might want to have at least a half-assed alternate win condition, you know, just in case you get srewed and can't get a Bazaar Trader out. Altogether it is a wonderous deck and I applaude you for it. When playing it, use Abyssal Persucutor to run down their life and THEN switch it over so it can't be used against you. Then it's an automantic win since they then have negative life. Good job again!!!
Holy Crap!!! I've been loking for a way to abuse the Bazaar traders since I pulle four of them at the pre-release. This may actually work, You'd want to run a play-set of the Bojuka bogs, though. And definetly all four of the Immortal coils. Having the Abyssal Persecutors is also a nice touch. Well done indeed sir!! +1 from me.
Rest for the weary. 8 life for onlt 2 mana, why does nobody else see this?!?!?!? Oh, and Wall of reverence for the avatrar that Ajani makes if you can get that far up. Definetly add cradle of Vitality. This deck shouldn't be too hard to make into standard legal. good job!
Definetly add some Honor fo the Pures. Pefect for white decks, especially white soldiers. I like your style though.
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