
43 Decks, 175 Comments, 0 Reputation

OMG! Avenger of Zendikar is Amazing to say the least, I pulled two of them and love them to death. All I can say for a fast mana all green deck is Omnath. That's it, he's the bomb.

Posted 12 February 2010 at 21:09 as a comment on Go, Go, My Plant Armies!


DoG = Day of Judgement
WoG = Wrath of God
fog = Fog
wincon = win condition

Look 'em up. Not trying to be a dick just telling you what they are. deck's not too bad but it does need work. Maybe add some, I don't know, CREATURES!!! lol jk

Posted 11 February 2010 at 21:48 as a comment on Creatureless deck in need of suggestion


OMG!!! I've been looking to make a scarecrow deck also! Props for that, plus it's a good deck.
+1 from me.

Posted 11 February 2010 at 21:45 as a comment on Scarecrows


Nice, Boros. Lose the Shard volley, Lava Spike, and even the Mauraders to make it standard. They're the only ones holding it up and it might as well be. Boros Garrison can go and add fetch lands if you can to help with the landfall, even terramorphics work. Because you want only commons go with the Terras. I think Kor Skyfisher is common, add that for landfall as well as the white land Kabira Crossroads for a little life gain which can be reused with the skyfisher. Other than that, Its pretty damn good. Really fast paced too. I would actually use this if I was limited to commons.

P.S. I am writing this response in accordance to the fact that you helped me with my Mrs. Miller deck. Thnx.

Posted 28 January 2010 at 20:43 as a comment on Commons deck challenge: Boros done cheap


Thank you all for the suggestions. I think I might have the list down, but I won't edit this one. As per my offer I will look through most of your decks since no one really turned my head but you did offer som helpful advice. The offer still stands if you can turn me on to something really good. BTW, I'm really excited for Worldwake!!!

Posted 28 January 2010 at 20:35 as a comment on Mrs. Miller


Yeah, not too bad. I've seen waaay worse and I like how there is multiple copies not just the first copy. Because you're running red/blue I'd throw in some Swerve. It's the best Blue/Red spell EVER. and Since Twincast is so important to this deck, bump it up to 4. Definetly add creatures and not ones that go away after a turn. You need some consistency in here. Put in those and it will see some play and maybe even win. Although I'd have to say that Boros Bushwhacker and Naya Zoo and Lightsaber would kick its ass. Nice though. +1

Posted 25 January 2010 at 22:44 as a comment on Magnifying Glass (control/burn)


I'm giving this a +1 just because I approve of Hipponox and what he does. BTW, I've been wondering, Where the hell did hipponox come from? The name I mean. It's kinda weird but cool.

Posted 25 January 2010 at 22:38 as a comment on colorless standard deck.


Jesus!!! Waffle, you are without doubt one of the most douchiest assholes on this site! I mean really? Did you seriously have to waste a whole 5 minutes out of your life to write down how bad a joke deck is? I agree that you are now in the top douch spots with Cakins. The only thing that makes you worse is the fact that you actually went ahead and started typing in that whole " I'm gonna try to be cute by misspelling all my words and having caps lock on to get the point across that thats what I'm doing."

My god man! have some decency and just admit that you're being a severe prick and atone for your douchy-ness. You can still save yourself from the fate of the next Cakins. And... did you seriously say with a straight face that you lolled? You really do have no low do you?

Posted 25 January 2010 at 22:37 as a comment on colorless standard deck.


I too made a deck based on the blades from Reborn. I don't know how this deck has any flexability since it's only creatures. I'd whittle it down to only a few colors and add some defensive and offensive spells. Take a look and comment on mine called Blades of Glory. I'd keep it Naya colors so you can have the thoctar and bloodbraid elf to cascade into things. I used the borderposts to ensure a multi colored permanent. Also, If you do make it Naya and trim it down, think about the Cerodon Yearling, it's a 2/2 with haste AND vigilance for only 2 mana.

Posted 21 January 2010 at 22:52 as a comment on Budget 'Blade Beatdown


I LOL'd !!!! Great title followed up by a kick ass deck. I like the Emeria Angel Soul Warden thing how whenever you play a land or creature you gain life. I see you have no Iona's though, shame shame. Really good, though. +1 from me..

P.S. Be glad that you don't get comments from Cakins.

Posted 19 January 2010 at 00:17 as a comment on God exists, and He's pissed (Please for the love of God Comment)


W00t! for Cakins. Always using one of the tournament winning decks, never going out on a limb to make his own. And then as usual being a dick to others around him. Yes, the armillary sphere can go since its only there for banefire and earthquake. Earthquake is nice because you can tilt the life ratio in your favor then unload on everything. most of my creatures will be only temporary things and with unearth, they come right back.

God Cakins. Have you no shame. you must like people telling you how much of a dick you are. Congratulations, fag.

Posted 19 January 2010 at 00:11 as a comment on Standard Boros


OK, guys. Let me set this straight. Since the two decks didn't work out, I had a brainstorm and put them together as a joke and liked how it looked. I thought it was quite entertaining. Apparently nobody else thinks its as humorous as I do. Plus I want to make it Standard, its almost ther. Just the lands and bad moon.

Posted 17 January 2010 at 11:58 as a comment on Soldiers to Zombies


Yea I wanted to make a soldier deck and then a zombie deck but i got too few cards in each so i just threw 'em together and thinned it out a bit and put in the Iona Corpse Conessuier combo. I thought it was kinda funny. use up soldiers and then make them all zombies with the covenent.

Posted 17 January 2010 at 02:33 as a comment on Soldiers to Zombies


Blue and white in my opinion don't make the best mill deck. Black is better for it. With that you get your haunting echoes and mind funeral and the perfect milling creature: Nemesis of reason. I only see a few milling cards in there and some walls. Nicely done for the colors you chose, about as good as that gets, but if you want it better go with blackk. check out mine in my profile called Mr. Miller.

Posted 17 January 2010 at 02:30 as a comment on Blue/White Mill (Attempt 1)


Holy Crap! I can't believe that i didn't put pollenbright wings in! Shell dweller stays because its harder to kill. Sporesower and Psychotrope aren't quite what I'm looking for. Eldrazi is definetly needed. I would like to add shroud or some form of protection but I don't know that many cards so I need more suggestions. Thank you all.

Posted 16 January 2010 at 20:25 as a comment on Saprolings Abound


YAY! I love the Felidar! +1 for that.
My suggestions would be to either drop green altogether or at least add in captured sunlight. Knight of the reliquary, no. drop that. I don't like getting rid of land. A fun little trick if you can pull it off is Ajani's avatar creature token and wall of reverence. Can you say infinite life? Land bind is really excelled in an all plains deck also. Although fog and the "power deer" ( Grazing Gladehart)is good to have from green. I'd put in Kor Skyfisher so you can use it with the Mantel and bring back the Kabira Crossroads to use again. Good job though.

Posted 16 January 2010 at 14:05 as a comment on Cat God Wins


For a relentless rats deck you want about as many rats as you have land ( 20 -ish) not twelve. I like the idea of cascading into rats from bituminous blast. Rats decks are kinda creature based so although I love the burn spells, they could probably be thinned out. Sanity gnawers and Blightning can go since this isn't a discard deck and has no way to utilize discarding. All together though, it's not too bad. Definetly work on it though if its what you want to play. Check out my relentless rats deck (even though its not standard).

Posted 16 January 2010 at 13:58 as a comment on Rat Tribal


no no. I agree. Milling is funner and I just couldn't think of any more mill cards that were standard. Thnx for the help. I will take out red, tomorrow. I think I should keep a couple of the discard cards just when they get a big hand. It'll keep them down to only a few choices on what to play.

Posted 15 January 2010 at 01:01 as a comment on Mr. Miller


No prob. You guys have given me alot of insight and are actually very helpful. I came into magic during M10 so I don't know much past Shards. I'll see you around.

Posted 15 January 2010 at 00:22 as a comment on Infinite Damage


LAWL!! Amazing. You get +1, sir. Also, add the land.

Posted 14 January 2010 at 20:32 as a comment on Seasons in the Abyss


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