Yeah no worries dude sorry to bark up the wrong tree. I've played a bit of commander but I had no idea that non-combat sources didn't contribute to commander damage. It would still count as damage, but it certainly isn't as economical.
I'd like to see if I can go an all-creature route with it. Agreed that spellstutter sprite is a little underpowered without lots of fairies to help but it does answer fatal push, path, and lightning bolt even as a one of. Adding path and opt does not protect my creatures at all, speed up the deck, or benefit from my main mechanic so I'll probably not add them. I do think that whittling it down to mostly stuff I can bring back with sun titan is sound strategy. I think that replacing lone missionary with [[cathedral sanctifier]] might also help. Eldrazi Displacer is a definite win in this deck and I will have to acquire some soon.
Snapcaster Mage is way outside my budget and this deck has zero instants or sorceries to flash back even if I could afford to add a playset. Gearhulk would make no sense for the same reason. Every creature I would have to remove to make room for instants and sorceries would mean less tools to use Restoration Angel and Venser on, and less stuff I can resurrect with Sun Titan. With a completely different vision and strategy in mind I could build a deck to abuse instants and sorceries but this is meant to be a creature deck. I do generally agree with the sentiment that this deck could use methods to speed it up or do a better job of delaying the game than is afforded by just gaining life and banishing their creatures. I'd love to hear of any suggestions that play into my strategy without replacing said strategy. Spine of Ish Sah is on the chopping block for sure. It would hold up better in a deck that runs [[glimmerpoint stag]] or [[flickerwisp]] but it's interaction with Venser alone is not sufficient grounds for inclusion. If I remove those and whittle down to 23 lands that's three available slots. Maybe run one fewer mulldrifter and add a playset of [[spellstutter sprite]]?Eldrazi displacer is really, really good. Thank you for pointing it out. You know, if I had a playset of Noble Hierarch collecting dust I would add green and abuse the everloving heck out of [[acidic slime]]!
I really wanted to spell it out all the way but I'm pretty happy regardless. Thanks :)
Angel of Glory's Rise would be pretty sweet in this deck.
Fair enough :)
I love me some Venser!
Wouldn't [[Goblin Grenade]] be really good in this deck? Arguably way better than shock.
I like your deck! The only things I can think of that might be useful and low budget are [[Nephalia Smuggler]] and [[Flickerform]]. I'd tell you to run [[Venser, the Sojourner]] because he'd really help abuse your ETB effects but he's not a 5 dollar card :)
You have inspired me! Vexing devil is awesome with Temur battle rage.
That's a good idea. Without fetch lands I am having trouble feeding him. They are both sitting in my sideboard, having been replaced by Skullcrack, which I'd rather leave in my sideboard. I was thinking of tossing in a pair of Vexing Devil instead? I don't know what I'd use the mana from steam-kin on though? Time to get some steam-kin I guess lol
Hey, how do you link cards in your comments? I can't figure it out and it looks like you did it more or less successfully (except for the first and last)
Elemental Mastery could be fun. Ball Lightning comes to mind. Akoum Stonewaker and Young Pyromancer also make elemental tokens. Oh yes, and Hellspark Elemental. If I understand right, each time an elemental bites it, you get to do 3 commander damage. I would abuse the hell out of that. Parallel lives is brilliant. More fetchlands would be good if you can afford them. Anything to get more landfall, plus you can repay them with Crucible of Worlds out. You have 40 life to pay, may as well spend it.
If I had the Noble Hierarchs I might consider it but I would need three more of them and they are not at all cheap :(
That sideboard needs some Spreading Seas :)
I recommend Predator's Strike over Tread Upon. Same cost, but +3/+3.
Well, last FNM I tried it out and went 3-1, with 2-0 victories in two of my games. Lost to Abzan first round then went on to win against Affinity, Pyromancer's Ascension, and Scapeshift. Got a few packs and pulled a Thing in the Ice :). Ascension sided in bolts against me and I Giant Growth-ed out of one and cast Apostle's Blessing against another in game two. All in all I had a lot of fun with it.
Ancient Den is banned in modern so that will have to go. Armored Ascension is really powerful in mono-white and will make fliers out of your knights.
LIghtning Axe would be brutal if you could hit a player with it for sure, glad you liked my input :)
Would Forced Adaptation be better than Afiya Grove in this deck? And though it's a little weaker, Sigil of the Nayan Gods instead of Alpha Status plus Forced Adaptation would make this deck modern legal.
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