Getting rid of lingering souls would make this a red black deck, making it easier to hit your colors and making it cost considerably less to build. Also, have you considered Lightning Axe? Paired up with fiery temper it is a beast!
Don't have any. If I had them I'd consider taking out the Giant Growths.
Into the Roil is strictly better than Disperse.
Sounds good :)
I run consuming vapors in a vampire deck and it works fairly well. I like it over damnation because it doesn't roast your own creatures, but I see your point about the speed and cost of tribute.
Consuming vapors is sacrifice-based, and has life gain? It also rebounds. It's like two tributes for 4 mana.
Fair enough!
No problem, dude :)
Would sword of body and mind work in this deck?
Maybe essence scatter and vapor snag in the sideboard against creature-heavy decks in place of spell pierce and negate? splashing white would give you access to path to exile, pillory of the sleepless, and mortify... splashing red would give you lightning bolt, terminate, and smash to smithereens.
How about consuming vapors rather than tribute to hunger in the sideboard?
Ever considered colossal might in this deck? Also, why isn't destructive revelry in your sideboard? Doesn't more Atarka's Command deserve to be in your starting lineup?
Ah, that makes sense!
As it stands, Nameless inversion has only one target on your side of the board and it's a one-of. If you're looking for removal to complement doom blade might I recommend grasp of darkness for the same mana cost, or perhaps dismember?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Yes the tuskcaller is a bit of a stretch but with enough mana produced by axebanes with intruder alarm in play it should be doable. Intruder alarm would also go swimmingly with splinter twin, come to think of it..
Vampire nighthawk is pretty brutal in orzhov, and enhancements like sword of vengeance and hyena umbra can be very effective. Rounded out with some white removal like journey to nowhere and oblivion ring could make this deck a force to be reckoned with :)
1. remove extras2. insert invisbile stalker3. ????4. profitAlso consider thinning out some of the enchantments you won't need four of in a game and consider some creatures like umbra mystic, lost auramancers, and if you're going to have the deck be expensive anyhow, why not cheat Eldrazi Conscription into play? Bruna would also be a no-brainer here for getting enchantments into play from your hand/graveyard. Speaking of graveyard manipulation, Sun titan is a thought and also has vigilance. Come to think of it this deck has no removal aside from pariah... Maybe O-ring, Prison Term, or Detention Sphere?
Wouldn't gemstone caverns do it? begin with it in play, drop swamp and island and you're ready to rock, right? That, and given the speed this deck should be going off Some darkslick shores could do a bit of color fixing for you if it isn't outside the proposed budget. Also, psychic drain could be transmuted into and mills while gaining life if that's a concern :)
Wouldn't gemstone caverns do it? begin with it in play, drop swamp and island and you're ready to rock, right? That, and given the speed this deck should be going off Some darkslick shores could do a bit of color fixing for you if it isn't outside the proposed budget.
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