Also, gilder bairn looks awesome! I'll have to tinker with it. Too bad the little guy is so expensive for an uncommon :/
Took a look at the deck you were talking about. That is cool as all hell! It's not an artifact win deck in the sense that I was talking about at all (treasure mage and grand architect + massive beaters) but rather a wincon based on draw, which is a very blue ability. I will definitely give artful dodge a go in a few decks and see how they roll. I wish venser the soujourner were mono blue :( it makes me sad that I would have to splash white to get the unblockable on a stick but artful dodge definitely fits. I considered building something that abuses card draw (invisible stalker and curiosity come to mind) but couldn't think of a way to turn draw into win. Psychosis crawler is brilliant :)
I changed the deck a little. Didn't like only having one wincon. Figure that combo simic manipulator and the diminish/downsize would give me the leverage I need.
uh, hold up that's right I already checked this against the modern ban list and everything is legal unless I'm looking at the wrong list? Green Sun's zenith and hypergenesis are banned but am I missing something? The list I'm using is here:
That's true! I should review the ban list and see about a suitable gen wave and emrakul replacement. Plat angel or emperian would probably work for the monster replacement, and baloths would be weakened if gen wave were no longer playable... hm... then I'd need a solid replacement for gen wave. Crap.
I can't say those have not occurred to me :) What I can't figure is what would be good to remove from this deck to slide those in :/
I have a nice deck that abuses kiln fiend already and was trying to figure out a r/u version for a while... then blistercoil weird and nivix cyclops hit play and cinched it for me.
That's buck wild
I think that cutting some creatures in favor of having 3-4 of each would be a start. Take advantage of crowned ceratok's effect and use bioshift to make dangerous creatures even moreso
Wow I think I may have found a new strategy for a summoning trap deck. Overgrown battlements by itself is fine but combined with that axebane guardian? That is solid as hell :)
I'd swap the rather late game sapphire drake and kraken hatchlings for cloudfin raptors as early flying blockers. This deck looks really good at building momentum but I'd be afraid of very fast or flying decks and turn 5-6 is a bit long to wait for that. I'd side some control, especially creature protection, into this deck against kill and burn.
I actually had a number of those in here and wound up taking them out because I simply had too many cards... So I tried to put tap abilities on all creatures but the obvious sunblast trick. Do you think in a deck like this I should go lighter on creatures? Maybe play a few big infects as a win condition instead?
Being that this is a deck designed for standard format I'm less worried about COP and such. I would appreciate side-deck ideas to hate a little more on white knights though :)
A good mill deck may give this trouble. That said, there is some amazing synergy and acceleration going on here... in light of that you might consider throwing in a few lotus cobras to push that over the edge and maybe a kozilek or two. Then again, I'm pretty new at this so take my advice with the requisite sodium content.
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