Shattering spree is a lot of fun to play and the pick-and-choose nature of using replicate can really mess up some things for your opponents. Given the number of sorceries and instants in here galvanoth and magnivore could do some good as well.
Shattering spree and shatterstorm come readily to mind as well :)Edit: Oh snap vandalblast blows shatterstorm out of the water!
Fumiko is a great cmdr for this deck and I like a lot of your choices! Banefire, and some artifact/land destruction could help round this deck out a bit. Liked, for sure :) oh! And tunnel ignus!
5 is too many :)
The vivid lands might not be a bad addition to this deck, and cheap control cards like tumble magnet, fiend hunter and aether adept could round out the deck a little. Glimmerpoint stag is a great creature for backing up venser and also has a neat removal effect when paired with venser as well as lending to your core mechanic a bit.
Still needs some tweaking but it cooks along pretty nicely. Does very well in head to head battles but suffers some in multiplayer vs decks with verdicts and such. Considering adding in leyline of sanctity or something to help, but for now board wiping and reanimating my enchantments seems to be working fine.
I'd swap tithe drinker in for child of night in a heartbeat. Also consider cradle of vitality. Here ya go!
I'll have to add it :)
I have an edh deck built around the guy that gets pretty ridiculous. The reason to run Zur is because he can snag curses and removal enchantments (prison term, O ring, stab wound, contaminated ground) , but I can understand why that might not be justification for going 3 color :)
Zur the enchanter and steel of the godhead could be decent in this deck, though I guess you'd have to add a color to swing it. :/
oh! That makes sense!
Doesn't unburial rites get exiled when cast from the grave? You'd get out some decent damage for sure with the recursion but not an inifinite amount, right? Not to mention the mana cost?
at 6 mana, you can combo summoning trap to fetch even beefier and more cost prohibitive things, too. Arbor elf is indeed solid, and if you stick gigantiform in there some of your early ramp guys can become major beaters as well :)
Acidic slime in place of kalonian behemoth would normalize your mana curve a little and interfere with your opponents a bit. Explore rather than wild growth would make this modern legal. Birds of paradise rather than arbor elf would give you some fliers - alternatively lotus cobra would play off the harrows. Speaking of harrow, rampaging baloths would also be a boon to this deck, and khalni hydra could come out very early given the number of low-cost creatures in this deck. Just some food for thought.
Man I'm kinda slow I guess but I don't understand how to turn shock troops into infinite damage :/ mesmeric orb is a ticket I was definitely missing in the orzhov build I tired to implement with AoGR though. Brilliant, that :)
Came for the name, stayed for the deck
Steel Wall has been amended to have defender in the oracle, and its low cost makes the ramp effective earlier on, might playtest and see whether or not predator ooze is a better fit :)
Yeah I was thinking about that actually but I wasn't sure what to take out for it.
Great idea! Added! Also added a couple of omnath, locus of mana :)
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