
117 Decks, 1,801 Comments, 677 Reputation

Pretty good, I've been visted upon throughout the holidays, so I haven't really had time to sit down and do anything relating to my hobbies for a while.

I loooove the flavor of this deck, and a Devil tribal has been on my list to build since I saw them, so I'm quite glad to see they're doing as nice as this. I don't know if I would have gone with Valakut, but this looks like it has to be sick in your shop tribal matches!

Posted 07 January 2013 at 19:59 in reply to #314812 on The Master and Margarita


This novel has been on my to buy list, but I can never find it anywhere >_< How's it been Sure?

Posted 07 January 2013 at 19:19 as a comment on The Master and Margarita


Hehehehehehehe, what an enjoyable sight when I return after the holidays.

Posted 07 January 2013 at 19:06 as a comment on Punish me


Even more enjoyable would be Smallpox and Extirpate.

Shadow of Doubt is pretty slick, I've come to use it in my SB for my Poxless Pox projects. I already have a good match against Jund, by way of BG debauchery, but it gives me that little boost to be comfortable in the match.
Being able to remove the "combo" from Valakut slows down the clock enough that have a shot, but that is still one of my worst matches other than Fish. :/ I still kind of regret making that list public.

I actually enjoy Modern, but I will agree that the lack of a viable Tempo design is painful. I'd personally just be happy if they lifted the ban on Ancestral Vision, and maybe Punishing Fire. A better presence of UZoo, and UGx would do the trick against this Jund filled meta.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 00:54 in reply to #305426 on modern bant blade


Told you Ethan would be better help for this, if it's Modern, and not running LftL, I'm pretty much useless lol.

The deck shaped into an x-Blade deck, which I dislike, but it's pretty damn solid. How is it playing for you Jack?

Also, glad to see you've joined the ranks of "counter slut"s Ethan! It's a wonderful world when you're able to counter every move your opponent can make :D

Posted 22 November 2012 at 01:49 as a comment on modern bant blade


Glad you like it! And I quite honestly hope there's a major price drop in MtG soon, because right now it's like buying a damn car to start working on a deck

I'm useless for standard, but I commented what I could manage. I'm not even really sure what's in standard right now, I think eternal formats have broken me.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 01:40 in reply to #305222 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


I know absolutely nothing about standard, and vampires have never been my cup of tea in Magic. Only thing I can think is that Electrickery might be a handy SB card.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 01:34 as a comment on Night of the Vampire (Standard)


Mostly because I already have access to Scavenging Ooze, but I've seen a few situations that it could come in handy as a singleton in the SB as a GSZ target. Also I didn't even finish looking at the cards from RtR when I made this, I just flipped at the sight of Abrupt Decay.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 01:28 in reply to #305232 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


It is sexy, in fact it's sexier to me. I've used it a bit, but usually I prefer a bit less dependency in the 2cmc slot, it's bad news being able to be hit so hard by Abrupt Decay, and Spell Snare.
I don't think I've ever seen such a curve in Fish though, that's just kind of weird.

Posted 22 November 2012 at 01:25 in reply to #303522 on Panic Station


Well damn, that takes this deck out of the running for using that curve.

Posted 18 November 2012 at 19:14 in reply to #303522 on Panic Station


True, I just find that, in Supernatural at least, he's like Jund. People just will NOT shut up about him half of the time. I really enjoyed how they portrayed him, but I could have done without the rants about him I got subjected to hearing.
Lucifer is one of my favourite characters in Supernatural, it's quite how one would imagine such a being would be. I think him, and the Sandman version of Lucifer are amongst my all time top list for villains.

Posted 17 November 2012 at 16:36 in reply to #304332 on Unicron


For a while I actually didn't enjoy Tabernacle in Iso-Pox for the same reason as Terminus, but as the format fluctuates it's needed once more. I've been running into the hyper-aggressive trio more and more lately, despite the abundance of Abrupt Decay in the format.

I can't say I blame you, I plan to buy this sleeve art for EVERY non-Extraction Pox build I use.

That scene is one of my favourites, but I honestly think Death is one of the more overrated non-regular characters. Lucifer, Leviathan, and Gabriel are so much more intriguing to me. Granted that Leviathan was a bit of a let down...

Posted 17 November 2012 at 03:54 in reply to #304332 on Unicron


Yeah, Pithing Needle at three was mostly an experiment, but I have to agree with you. It's not really worth it. :/ Thalia is an interesting choice, as is Terminus, but in all honesty the only one of those two I can see benefiting my design is Thalia. More mana burden to go alongside the denial is always a powerful move, it's what makes Stax work so well. Terminus, while having a potentially insane casting cost, just adds more creature control, without the benefit of hitting everything like the poxes.

I'm basically running my Rip the Crypt land base, but I replaced one copy of Undiscovered Paradise with Tabernacle. After all the testing I've done with Undiscovered Paradise, I've found it works most fluidly at three, so that left me with a flex slot. Right now it's Tabernacle, but a few times it has become part of the Thopter package.

The setup I'm using for the poxes is really the main thing I've been tinkering with. It's been a bit of business, but by being able to dictate the amount, and nature of the poxes, I feel more in control. I can play a more traditional feeling control game one using the Smallpox plan, but if need be I can quite easily adjust.

The Disk is something I've heard you sing nothing but praise for, but in my experience it's just overkill really. And while that's something that Iso-Seek deals in spades, at a certain point it becomes excessive.

I think naming an Iso-Pox this is the most fitting other than Oh Death

Posted 17 November 2012 at 01:24 in reply to #304332 on Unicron



Posted 16 November 2012 at 03:03 in reply to #304263 on People are strange


Hmmmm, 18/14/8/4 is a pretty sexy mana curve. And Petrahydrox dodging targeted removal is pretty nice, even if it means you have to recast it.

The list looks like it runs pretty smoothly for the tribal format your group uses, I'm slightly shocked by that. I never thought a weird deck would be worth it.

Posted 16 November 2012 at 00:28 as a comment on People are strange


I'd keep Frostburn, but not for the right reasons I think. I'd keep it because the mana curve is sexier this way.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 10:15 in reply to #303693 on People are strange


I'd rather say that Trickbind is the Stifle of Modern, but my opinion is pretty much the same as yours. I don't want to pay two mana for it. Shadow of Doubt is mostly good because it shuts out Valakut, but if I'm expecting enough of it that I won't play any of my usual lists, I'd probably just build a random D&T/ww deck.

UW tempo is an idea, but I'd still probably rock RUG if I tried my hand at a real tempo idea in this format.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 07:21 in reply to #303717 on modern bant blade


Poo, that means people will know what I'm playing again. Ah well, I guess it's time to build forward then :D
I'll check your deck out man, but I still have no idea what to do in standard. Like at all.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 07:02 in reply to #302545 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


:) Hope it does well for you Jack, this deck is a heap of fun so far, and does at least decently well.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 06:59 in reply to #303699 on Panic Station


It's not so much that you don't have 'goyf even, I think it's that a REAL tempo design just isn't entirely possible in Modern.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 06:57 in reply to #303717 on modern bant blade


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