Congratualtions! By the way, what exactly is this deck getting at? I see some faeries . . . not sure. It always feels like people have ninety-nine decks and then just make another one so they can say they have a hundred. Anyway, not too many people can say they've got a hundred decks, nice job!
To make this possibly faster, you could try Etherium Sculptor. I like it though; a deck about eggs! I love this site because you can see so many crazy ideas, but this idea does have a plan with a combo, so I have to give you thumbs on this (virtual thumbs, this isn't youtube!).
How about Figure of Destiny, he's god of the zoo!
Nice, I actually just got into the game myself-my friend got me into it-now I just need to get him into Magic!
Minecraft is so beast!!!!
With a zoo deck, you'll want mostly one and two-drops. I'm at school right now, so I don't have time to give you suggestions. I'll try to when I'm done.
One thing I definitley noticed different in this control is you mana curve . . . . nice!
I didn't expect you to put it in, I probably wouldn't myself. I just related the flavor of this deck with a former comment. I like it though, so nice deck.
Hey if draw power rocks and the name of this deck includes Magosi, then Sphinx of Magosi is a perfect inclusion to this deck!
So many combos, so little time! This is definitley better than mine, and I got it off of someone else. Nice job!
Nicely done . . . pretty much all I can say!
Why don't you try Vapor Snare or Living Tsunami to go with the Hedron Crab? It's a great mill combo.
Sweet brah-zine! Everyone try to make cool "brah" name extentions!
The idea is ripe, I personally would only play black for vampires, but like shadowshun said, consistency is key. Try also to build up your mana curve a little better, a suggestion of mine being to put in four Gatekeeper of Malakirs. Just try to not have such a variety, be consistent, and most importantly, be mana curve-friendly.
It's called "Here's a fun Combo". The name pretty much speaks for itself, but it's in dire need of help. Deck link:
Love it! Way to use your brain and make a deck that's not about winning.
Just curious, but what makes it so that they CAN'T be cut, do you actually own this?
Really like it, excluding that it's missing seven cards. Never thought about using Green Sun's Zenith for less-costing cards, but when you think about it, it makes sense. Nice job, that is, on the current fifty-three.
With all of these myr, you might want to put some metalcraft stuff in, especially Galvanic Blast instead of Red Sun's Zenith, because with all of these myr your Galvanic Blast will be like a Lightning Bolt on steroids but still for one mana, and that's seems much better than the Zenith, or at least that's what I think. Anyway, nice deck.
How about Hedron Crab + Vapor Snare combo.
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