Not sure about Voldemort, but Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni would be a good card for Peter Pettigrew.
Harry Potter/Magic fans unite!!!
A little unrealistically powerful, but if you somehow owned you could sell it for a fortune.
A tribal deck based around assassins? Never heard of it . . . but love it!
No Memnite?! Haha, just kidding. It would fit in flavor-wise but would have little use in EDH.
Unfamiliar with the deck type, but I like it!
Great combo!
Haha, sorry! I meant "popped".
Yeah, definitley. Pestermite was just the first thing that pooped up into my head. Well, have fun!
Nice. Seems like your tapping alot of crap, maybe Pestermite? Cool deck.
Hey, this is pretty nice.
I have been waiting for someone to make Treva's EDH!
Cool deck. Wouldn't mind playing this myself.
That's what I thought. Have fun!
Great mana curve, and I guess if your mana is built up this nicely you won't need more than twenty Plains? Haha, nice deck!
Cool deck. I think you should take out the Bloodchief Ascension, because it's not that great and it would bring you down to sixty cards. You might also want to take out Rise from the Grave and replace it with another one of your discard or removal spells. I like it, nice work.
Nice first deck. Unlike most people's first, your mana curve is pretty great. Do you own this deck?
I like it, but you might want to try some Everflowing Chalice's or Silver and Leaden Myr's so that you could get the combo out faster. I really like the combo, nice work!
Try the combo of Blightsteel and Neurok Invisimancer.
Where's the Neurok Invisimancer?
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