Oh, well then even more nice deck!
Have fun!
First and foremost, Wurmcoil engine is a pretty beasty card. Secondly, your other deck just doesn't seem to have the kick that this one has, though I could be wrong as I haven't played it. You look like you have better card choice in this one, after all, this is Scars of Mirrodin equipment. I would definitley build this deck first, but please don't be fully inspired by my opinion as the best opinion comes from the one who has experience on the topic, which I don't. All that I am saying is; your mana curve, card choice, and mechanic coordination seems to be overall better in this deck than in your "Stoneforged Equipment". And once again; please do not be fully inspired by my opinion.
No Koth?! But hey, nice deck anyway.
Argentum Armor on the first turn does sound pretty irresistible, and so does Sword of Body and Mind! That is my absolute favorite card from this Scars of Mirrodin, just for it's raw power. Once again, nice job!
Despite your lack of faith, this really doesn't seem that bad. You may need some more defense, but if you can get out the combo fast enough (it looks like it has the potential) then you probably wouldn't be in very bad shape. It definitley has consistency; overall, I like it. Nice work!
I think that this deck has some unexpected potential. You wouldn't think, looking at it outright, it would be anything special, but after some deep search into the sample hands, I found a well-working, fluid-like sequenced reaction bomb that has serious explosive power. Nice work!
Since there is only one ally that actually mills, you might want to emphasize on copying Halimar Excavator instead of just Jwari Shapeshifter. Trying Clone wouldn't hurt, though make sure that you don't add to much.
I think that you are building a deck around Knotvine Paladin in the wrong state of mind. It is true that you could get Knotvine to get extremely powerful with lots of its exalting friends out in play, but you are never sure that you are always going to get Knotvine along with your other exalters, and even if you do get Knotvine extremely big, then your opponent can simply just throw down a removal spell on it and your hopeless. I think that you should rebuild the deck into a Naya collored one with lots of guys with VIGILANCE instead exalted, so that your Knotvine Paladin's can still get big and attack along side guys like Cerodon Yearling, Steward of Valeron, and even some angels like Serra Angel. Then the deck could be alot more confident and all-around better. You could see the functuality that you mentioned and still have the same amount of fun.
White Control: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=76772
Not bad, but I see that there are alot of highly costing creatures in this deck, so I would prefer Gemhide Sliver or Smokebraider. Cool deck, and have fun!
Wow! Cool idea!
Cool deck, and it is fairly decent. I like this deck because it is not necesarilly to own FNM or to qualify into Pro Tours, it is about having fun with your buds and having new and exciting experiences, which if you thank about it, is really all Magic is about.
Very cool and practical deck. A good choice that would seriously bring out the fun in playing this (even though it looks fun enough as it is, so don't worry) would be the addition of an Ajani Vengeant. With an Ajani or a few in there, I would probably buy it myself. Good job, and have fun!
Nice deck, but I think that you should replace the Thornweald Archer's with some Deadly Recluse's, since they are a much better choice. And another good idea that could help build up the mana curve of this deck a little better would be to take out 2 Sporesower Thallid's and then add another 2 Deadly Recluse (or if you wanted to stick to the Thornweald Archer's, it's your deck) so that you have 4 Deadly Recluse. And if you want to be even more mana curve-friendly, you might want to some how fit in some Tukatongue Thallid's, then you could be a little more aggressive and not have to stall as much. Have fun!
Looks like you are really just a sitting duck for the first 2 turns. I would try to put a few 1 or 2 drop removal spells like Path to Exile or something like that (it won't take much) in there so that you are not stalling till the 3rd turn. If you can build up the mana curve a little better, I think it could be a deadly deck. If it were me, I would simply just change the Unmake into Path to Exile's.
Yeah, fetchlands are faster though expensive, but if you could get your hands on some they could definitley be an option. Have fun!
Pretty good idea, but in my sample hands the only problem I had was how the Evolving Wilds seems to really slow it down. I would take at least 2 of them away and put some Swamps and Mountains in their place, so then you could bring in Dragonskull Summit's untapped more often and you could play Bloodchief Ascension and Terminate earlier (even though if it is a control deck anyway, you'll need to hold out with some 2nd turn removal against aggro decks, and Evolving Wilds isn't going to do the trick.). It is your choice, but if it were me, I would take away all of the Evolving Wilds and add 2 more Mountains and 2 more Swamps.
Great, probably the reason that I didn't see good hands in the first place was because that was when you were playing 63 cards. Like I said, that can really trip you up! Now the deck looks alot better, and since you didn't put in any Noble Hierarch's it's probably really cheap (I'd buy it myself.). Ya, now I'm noticing alot better hands, nice work.
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