No, I understand that clearly, but the chances of pulling that off are incredibly small, so he needs to add more meat to this deck. Make a deck to where you have more than one way of winning a match, that is more the point of what I'm trying to say.
Amazing deck!
If you are going for a enchantment deck, the enchantments have to have some overarching theme to it, which I really don't see at all here. In standard play, consider running enchantments for control purposes or shitting out tokens, those are your 2 best options. Though this example is non-standard, it should give you some kind of feel of how these decks more or less work:
Nevermore can be amazing when played with pithing needle and cards that allow you to scry your opponent's library. Though I agree in this situation it sucks
This deck honestly looks like you just want to poop out tokens and hope to make a massive swing. These decks can be really fun, but they are even stronger if you focus on a certain kind of token you are producing. Once you figure that out, look for cards that help that specific token appear even more (since you are doing this non-standard, there is definite chance of finding some cards that do so). After that, condense and kick ass. I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
This is just me being picky, but consider running vexil devil instead of goblin guide.
Flawless deck!
Interesting, that's about it. When I think sacrifice decks, they nearly always have a burn / lose life element to them, so I am exited to see how you develop this deck!
Truly a piece of evil artwork! Awesome deck. I'm curious how you would do this same concept in non-standard format.
I'm more than happy to! Draw Lifeloss decks are probably best done red black, but if you want to stick with blue black, look more for cards that explicitly allow target player or opponent to draw and/or deals damage. Here is my black red deck for reference / ideas: you have any further questions, please send them my way!
OK, the more I look at it, the more awesome it is to me. And I was inspired to make a similar structured deck though mono-red. Thanks and enjoy!
Yeah drop the boots and put it in your SB at this point. More speed to your deck, the better.
Oh the horror!
If you have the money (or you can just make proxies) enlightening tutor would be another great search engine for you. Aside from that, this is a great deck! Have fun trying to find people who will play against this deck!
For casual play, I'd say that this is a great deck. Idk how competitive this would be able stand in a more serious play. Nonetheless, great job!
I love this deck! If you have already put this deck together, I wonder how quick of a win do you average to with this deck?
To get your creatures out quicker / stall your opponent long enough to do so, I would strongly consider running more angel's grace and silence and even more 1 drop control cards if you can afford to. Aside from that, not a bad deck!
godhead of awe, that would be a great card for this deck.
If you are going for a budget deck, not a bad start. For red white burn, staples (be prepared to spend a bit) you should run are lightning helix and lava spike for a quicker burnCreatures you should consider instead of serra or pride gaurdian are boros reckoner and vexing devil (again not cheap, but worth running)And instead of running the guildgate consider clifftop retreat instead.In all, you should research and look for cheap burn spells both cost and mana wise and make it quick which burn is all about. Here is a somewhat similar deck that I've built though with more red focus than white, but still a good burn deck to get ideas from:
I totally forgot about it, but your deck somewhat reminds me of a couple of builds I had going a while back but scraped for a burn deck:
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