And I love quoting this shit whenever someone whistles or says key words that I just want to bust out laughing, especially whenever I know here the word muffin....Aside from talking about Abridged, would you mind looking at some of my decks?
I have maybe 3 friends I know who watch it, and I have forced my siblings to watch it. But surprisingly the engineering student body I am in, don't seem to really get into the youtube stuff, which makes me wonder how many of them have a life (or is it just me that doesn't?)
that so deserves reputation to own that shirt. I'm really wanting to buy the "first immortality then the bitches shirt" but I hardly know anyone at my university who would get the joke.
LMAO, "[studied] child psychology...with a minor in PAIN". "Vegata, I can't believe it..." "patty cake, patty cake, baker's MAN!!!"
"but Vegeta, tricks are for kids"[My name's Nappa and]"I'm absolutely hilarious and you will quote everything I say"
1:06 of, I now see how this latest set is a bitch in standard.
Seriously, the first thing that popped in my mind when i saw this deck title was love this deck idea, but to make it stronger and quicker, consider more 1 drops and token generation cards, especially awakening zone would be great for your deck. Aside from that, this deck looks pretty solid to me.
Great deck, i would love to see my burn deck go to toes against this deck, though idk who would win
Great job, for what little standard has to offer in this type of deck, I see this would work pretty well in most cases aside from the guy who wants to be a dick and play control deck against you. In nonstandard, you could make this pretty nasty, and this is how I've played it
In doing more research on good multiplayer cards, other cards we both should consider are dark suspicions, Hollowborn Barghest, Kokusho, the Evening Star, crackling perimeter, and Mondronen Shaman.
I see blood seeker is a great card that I hadn't considered for my deck, but I already had a deck that abuses him to death:
Ankh of Mishra and canopy surge also effects you, so I might put them in sideboard. Instead of running the always popular birds of paradise, I've starting running collective voyage, which might really work in this deck. I would also look into running wound reflection instead of painful quandary. For the green side, possibly run hydra omnivore, Ichneumon Druid, misfortune, and Zhur-Taa Druid.
Awesome deck!
Yeah, but i play more nonstandard these days, and if were to really focus on build multicolor decks, I would without a doubt go back to the alara block
I understand, for me I try for the most part to stay within a certain budget and dual lands aren't going down in price anytime soon. And honestly, I have yet to look at the nonbasic lands that came out in Dragon's Maze, I just looked at the rest, and saw a few good cards, but overall i thought this newest set is shit, and i built 2 decks to show it:
I love this deck, and the only thing I would consider modifying is replacing your devil's play with bonfire of the damned (if you have that kind of money)
Seriously, why aren't you running grimoire of the dead? Aside from that, I really like this deck, here's my GB deck that's somewhat similar:
Mill decks piss me off...
For SB cards, consider spare from evil and gather the townsfolk
Man, I love flicker decks and this just goes to show no matter how you slice it, it's always kick-ass! I kinda think the land setup is expensive, but it works.
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