Surely you have heard of the concept of proxy cards???
I really love this deck, however bloodgift seems out of place to me, unless you are just using it as a flying fatty for some win condition? I would maybe suggest running deathpact angel instead.
Ok, I see your point with bloodghast, but consider the probability of pulling off your ideal first two turns, I would run a full set of buried alive and maybe a couple entomb to be more likely to be able to pull that off. And to trigger bloodghast's landfall more, I would run either marsh flats or verdant catacombs.
I don't know if it's just me, but reading through your creature setup, I don't see this deck as very concrete in its setup, and if by your deck description you are wanted grave pact to be your "finisher." My suggestions would be as follows:1) If you are always going up against creature heavy decks, then you are right into thinking grave pact is a nice way of doing that, but if you are wanting your deck to be more versatile and able to go up against a good range of decks, I would encourage you to rethink of building this deck to where you are creating combos that work really well together and can confront a good range of decks that you go against2) Bloodghast is an awesome card where you are constantly able to trigger its landfall ability, which is often in green black zombie "like" decks, and so I think and have used nether traitor much more effectively in this conceptual build of a deck, so consider running a full set of nether traitors, and have maybe a couple bloodghast in your sideboard.3) This more falls in what I had said in part 1), but in my personal opinion and playing experience, I would run no more than 20 creatures and run spells that really help you put creatures either into your hand or graveyard to trigger grave pact or other possible combo cards, I would suggest looking into entomb, blood funnel, bone splinters, or unearth.Hope this helps and good luck with this deck.
I really like this deck, and totally had forgotten about the power behind rise of the hobgoblins, the only thing suggestion I have is to somehow add a couple raid bombardment for more burn element and give your tokens a bit more use.
Great deck, my only suggestion would be to somehow add into your deck or even sideboard material, add unearth and/ or entomb
I really like your deck such that I made my own version, though using a number of the same cards: love your feedback on it
I love this deck, I don't know what you should take out, but nether traitor would be great additions to this deck i think. Maybe for sideboard, consider adding bloodghast.
Oh my apologies, my nickname for the actual card, 'stomping slabs'
Yeah, that's probably the best budget wise way to go
Pretty cool! I would love to play this as is in a casual game. And this being your only published deck, kuddos to you!
Interesting deck, is this the final product or are you still working on it? And would you mind adding a deck description so others can give some better feedback.
I love the idea with this deck, I'm skeptical to say that it would run quick and well, because of your lack of one drops in this deck. Just my two cents of advice.
I really like this deck idea, and don't know what you should pull or how to greatly improve this deck, but slabs of death came to mind when looking through this deck which I think would be a fun addition to this deck, the problem as you have mentioned in the description is that each card slot is important.
Yes, get rid of the gaurds. MORE LANDS! Actually, for lands you might want to consider misty rainforest or verdant catacombs, but that would detracting from your budget aspect of this deck, but would be another great way to pull out lands quickly and thin your deck quicker and make your deck run smoother i think.
I strongly agree with you there, but if you can afford to and find them, the zendikar fetch lands are I would argue almost as powerful
I love your deck, but I think it would be fun if you could somehow work in Nature's Will, Liege of the Tangle (overkill), and Rites of Flourishing to speed up your game and thin out your deck quicker
I really love your deck, and had to make my own version: love your feedback, and as for your deck, I would suggest reckless abandon if anything, aside from that, solid deck!
Life from the loam would be a good addition to this deck, and I would add Touch and Go as well for shits and giggles, otherwise a great deck!
who would forget you?
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