
80 Decks, 374 Comments, 463 Reputation

It's not a golgari EDH deck if it doesnt use the graveyard!

Posted 01 March 2022 at 09:16 as a comment on BEDH: Reuse, Recycle, Repeat


Looks great!

Posted 15 February 2022 at 20:52 as a comment on Not so secret approach


Heterokingis, get outta here with that. What are you a high school bully? We can criticize the actions he takes without resorting to making fun of autistic people. Lets be adults.

Posted 10 February 2022 at 22:06 in reply to #646587 on petition: ban wdm


Gotta say, it was nice to know who was what at a glance by looking at rep. This will affect how I'll have to get the measure of people.

Posted 10 February 2022 at 21:35 in reply to #646587 on petition: ban wdm


I don't even know what "it" is. Who is "him"? Who is tarnby? What is this phrase? Are these things I should know? Too much has happened without me lol.

Posted 06 February 2022 at 11:24 in reply to #646425 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Even calling panda a troll now? I'm just waiting for the day you accuse me of being a troll.

Posted 06 February 2022 at 11:22 in reply to #646440 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


?????? You're not making any sense. I don't quite know what "dryhumping" a deck would look like but I haven't noticed anything weird about be more supportive. Also to your previous comment, nobody on this site has thousands of alts. They probably have like 3. It's exaggerations like that that take away from your credibility.

Posted 06 February 2022 at 01:26 in reply to #646425 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


I'm with splinter. I like wdm, but it's a little sad. I don't remember him like this before. One thing I will say is that for as sad as what wdm is doing now, the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on this site, is whoever is following him around, downvoting every single one of his comments with 3-4 accounts, even regular constructive ones on random decks. It's pretty likely TheGreatGodLoki, seeing as HughMann is pretty obviously his alt, and he's admitted to wanting to harass wdm. Whatever you feel about wdm, he doesn't deserve this. Can we just all agree to ignore both of them from now on unless they're being regular ass users making regular ass comments about mtg?

Posted 05 February 2022 at 21:01 in reply to #646425 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


I mean at this point I'm just not sure what werewolves loses to all that consistently. I'm going to change this list to the alchemy version of the deck, and you can try it out for yourself. Dragons seems overyhyped in my opinion. I'm not saying you're wrong necessarily, I've never played dragons, but I've played it with esper control and werewolves and esper seems even and werewolves seems to beat it like 7 times out of 10. There are a ton of decks that I'm sure dragons beats, but honestly only mono green, mono black and the mirror have given me consisten trouble with werewolves.

Posted 01 January 2022 at 07:07 in reply to #645614 on Children of the Night


Update: after initially believing that dragons and werewolves are tied, I have since gone 5-0 against both kinds of dragons decks and am starting to shift my thoughts on the matchup. dragons has huge capability, but it really relies on fearsome whelp to win games, and even then, a 1/1 on turn 2 being your best play, with a mana rock being the next most common play really doesnt defend that well against a 1 drop 2 drop 3 drop 4 drop curve, especially on the draw. sure you might play a 4 drop turn 3, and a 6 drop turn 4, but far too often it seems they cant keep their life total high enough to defend on the draw against a wide board, and only occasionally counter race on the play.

Posted 31 December 2021 at 23:37 in reply to #645614 on Children of the Night


Finally having 8 playable one drops really helps the deck come out fast, and puts the pressure on control decks much quicker than it was able to in standard, and the additon of fancy new mostly slow, albeit powerful control cards in alchemy really kind of leads to a very greedy control format where a deck like werewolves runs over 3/4 decks these days.

Posted 29 December 2021 at 13:18 in reply to #645614 on Children of the Night


I've seen a lot of different decks pop up so far. Dragons is the most common, and werewolves seems to be pretty even with the red version, although there is a multicolored version that just seems worse in every way, there's an orzhov enchantments deck that seems to be crushed by werewolves, there's mono green which does well against werewolves but isn't unbeatable and there's a huge amount of blue with usually black and white, but kind of all over the place control decks playing a huge amount of alchemy only spells thatseems a little slow for werewolves, but it depends on the cards run, there's no one list that people seem to follow. Black sacrifice and blood on the snow decks exist also, and those seem much better at controlling werewolves. Overall against the field so far, werewolves seems like the best deck in the format In my opinion, but i've also really been liking a pretty streamlined azorius control deck with a few liers and hullbreaker horrors and a bunch of instants. Seems much better in a field without mono white being the aggro of choice.

Posted 29 December 2021 at 13:13 in reply to #645614 on Children of the Night


Alchemy is fun I like playing with wolves and actually beating a fair share of decks.

Posted 29 December 2021 at 08:43 in reply to #645614 on Children of the Night


Werewolves were only good in the early part of the standard format where nobody really has perfected the control decks and aggro decks can thrive, but didn't really have enough going on to compete later on, however they are totally viable and fun in alchemy right now. Different from this list, but pretty similar.

Posted 29 December 2021 at 07:22 in reply to #645614 on Children of the Night


Something like unbreakable formation would also be good, it basically proliferates if its on main phase and can also be used agaisnt control as a boardwipe preventer.

Posted 26 November 2021 at 09:34 in reply to #639924 on W/G Pauper: Proliferate


Awesome! I'd replace stony strength with snakeskin veil though, this deck looks good enough against creature decks, but looks weak agaisnt good removal options.

Posted 26 November 2021 at 09:33 in reply to #639924 on W/G Pauper: Proliferate


Yeah it's always nice to have some casual decks like that. I even have one, an old jund midrange modern deck that's certainly not vialbe anymore but just as fun. Do you think something like whisper squad is good enough to make the cut in a deck like this?

Posted 22 November 2021 at 09:57 in reply to #645284 on BD: Rewards of the Faithful


Looks awesome!

Posted 22 November 2021 at 09:36 as a comment on BD: Rewards of the Faithful


This is an old ass deck I made as a teenager, it's not meant to be great and I'm not changing it. Why is everyone commenting on my old decks all of the sudden?

Posted 18 October 2021 at 22:29 in reply to #644943 on Rakdos Eldrazi


Thanks for the same comment 4 times buddy

Posted 18 October 2021 at 06:39 in reply to #644932 on Children of the Night


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