I'd say to keep yourself viable against decks with board wipes, i'd switch elven ambush and one of another creature for collected company. I think it's also just a good enough card and would make the deck better against every deck.
Looks great!
Interesting... I haven't seen that show yet, but I've been meaning to when I can find the time.
I've seen this deck many times in historic and you are definitely missing some important parts. Faithless looting and thrilling discovery are key to getting through the deck. Mizzix's mastery and 2 copies bonds of revival are also great at returning your creatures. There is the problem of this deck being unable to get around things like rest in peace, grafdigger's cage or leyline of void, and having a terrible matchup vs any deck running counterspells, but in best of one, a proper dredge list can do pretty well.
Yeah sure!
Ooooh I love it. Lovecraftian horror is some of my favorite, and this deck looks fun in a casual setting. Only thing I'd reccomend is some sort of removal spells to keep alive to play all of the big cards you have.
Hey! I still visit and like decks every once in a while, but haven't really been active deckbuilding. I play almost all arena historic now, and people don't really seem interested in that format on here. I like these decks you made, they're good reads. I like the idea of putting that before each deck, it would certainly get people knowledgeable about the site. Most of my friends who play magic and used this site with me have been playing even less than I have, and we all seem to have ignored my own advice on the "be more supportive" article deck. Maybe I'll post one or two of my decks soon.
hoot hoot ^(OvO)^
This looks fun!
yeah the new crab is real good
Who is the troll? Are they a better or worse troll than Thrun?
I guess I could, but after a lot of my friends mostly stopped using mtgvault, neither have I for a while. I wouldn't want to be not practicing what I preach.
Wicked is one of the most dedicated people I know of lol.
I'd recommend Wrenn and Six if it's not too expensive.
I suppose the one I use the most is Liliana.
Good against control cause of phoenix inevitability, good against midrange cause it goes from 0 to 100 in a single turn, and bad against aggro, cause we cant interact much.
I made this deck forever ago, right when pioneer started, and I think i'm gonna keep it as is. Modal lands do intrigue me though, and I'll use them in newer decks for sure.
I'm not a fan of all these crossovers their doing. Ofc I don't mind official my little pony sleeves, and the godzilla thing wasn't the worst, cause it was just cosmetic, but I don't want a dungeons and dragons set. I like magic, and I don't like dungeons and dragons. Don't force a set altering crossover just because you own both of those franchises wizards!
I'm not seeing any long game resilience in this deck, which I think it needs due to the fact that this does not have a super aggressive start. For a dimir aggro deck, I'd recommend things to help stop boardsweepers and spot removal like spell pierce or countersquall.
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