
80 Decks, 374 Comments, 463 Reputation

Awesome goal and cool deck! Boomer magic at it's finest. It's funny, depending on your card choice, all old cards could be a incredibly cheap deck or vastly expensive, but this seems right in line with an average top notch edh deck, price wise.

Posted 13 October 2021 at 08:17 as a comment on I saw red


LOVE the peace theme buddy, glad to see something like this, keep it up!

Posted 13 October 2021 at 01:30 as a comment on BEDH: Make Decks, Not War


lol who's alt are you?

Posted 12 October 2021 at 07:50 in reply to #644767 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Any proof?

Posted 10 October 2021 at 11:33 in reply to #644702 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


While I'm not ruling out anything, let's not jump to someone "snapping" rather than their just being a much wider reaching amount of engagement on this deck in particular. The most suspicious person here is the person who left the first comment HughMann... I wish we could see when accounts were created.

Posted 09 October 2021 at 06:52 in reply to #644678 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


I'm sure it was very cool when you heard it in whatever movie, but that's not a real solid use of the phrase "nut up or shut up". Also, nobody has to prove anything to you. If I post a deck, say it has a 80% winrate cause of a meta pick or luck or whatever and you say prove it, guess what? I don't need to, you can just not believe me all day and I won't lose sleep over it. You're acting entitled and should just leave him alone and keep whatever thoughts about him you have in your head.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 18:43 in reply to #644583 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Maaaaybe Epiphany but chariot is fair.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 18:06 in reply to #644642 on Children of the Night


You CAN ignore him you just don't WANT to. Maybe he calls everyone he disagree's with a troll, but I'd call you a troll anyway cause you've been following him around spamming every one of his decks and other people's decks he's commented on with hate. If you're truly the reasonable and good person here prove it and act like an adult.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 06:52 in reply to #644583 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Haha why did you comment on my four year old deck? I don't really mess with these anymore, they're a relic of my early days in MTG :)

Posted 08 October 2021 at 06:43 in reply to #611111 on Orzhov Vampires


You know what he did to me when I messed up his rules? One time he nicely asked me if I wanted to be on a list of good deckbuilders because he likes what I post and another he gave me advice that I should link to my "be more supportive" article because it's inspired people. I know you don't like him and think he's doing bad to the site, but following him around and calling him slurs and insults won't make the site better either. Just ignore him if it's that big a problem to you.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 05:30 in reply to #644583 on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Who cares? Does it matter if he's a nobody, amateur or ex pro? Believe him or don't. He likes deck links and every deck does not need to "deal with" every scenario. I have a control deck in historic, the format I play most, that can just straight up lose to some lists depending on if/what types of removal they play, but dominates a lot of decks with no real contest. Sure, there are some matchups I can't win, but I have a 70% winrate with the deck after countless games. Is that a "bad" deck? Even if so, who cares? I don't know the guy, he's nice to me so I know I'm biased but jeez, making a whole article to call someone a loser? Grow up. Also, why do almost all of your decks have a strange view to like ratio?

Posted 08 October 2021 at 03:24 as a comment on Why WickedDarkMan Is A Fraud


Looks fun!

Posted 06 October 2021 at 07:04 as a comment on Mono-Blue Standard Delver


Oh wow, what a fun looking burn food deck! Very creative, I want to play this now.

Posted 04 October 2021 at 19:07 as a comment on Cook of the Underworld


I guess I'm surprised that people really follow links all that often, it's not like they're clickable, you have to copy and paste them. It's really not an inconvenience, but I know how people are and it seems like it would dissuade them. What links would I put?

Posted 03 October 2021 at 20:28 in reply to #644337 on Children of the Night


Really? First I want to say I'm not downvoting you because I disagree, it seems that someone follows you and downvotes every one of your comments. I know a good bit about historic brawl, and the most popular decks by far are golos, esika, kinnian, teferi, winota and one of a few mono red commanders. I pretty much never see a combo deck, or at least have never seen one work to where I could tell what it was trying to do.

Posted 29 September 2021 at 00:23 in reply to #644145 on Your deck on YouTube.


Only difference, historic brawl is actually 100 cards plus commmander for whatever reason.

Posted 28 September 2021 at 05:50 in reply to #644145 on Your deck on YouTube.


Yeah, I get what you mean. I feel like because of the card quality and quantity in rare and mythic rare, rare wildcards have been the true top spot on area since inception. Unless they stop printing 10 rare staples, 5 rare lands and 2 mythic staples per set, this will always be the case.

Posted 27 September 2021 at 19:41 in reply to #643962 on Your deck on YouTube.


I'd love to see it!

Posted 25 September 2021 at 06:53 in reply to #644056 on Children of the Night


Yep! Got to mythic with it. Not convinced it's better than the usual one, but It's at like a 60% win rate so it's good.

Posted 22 September 2021 at 04:37 in reply to #644037 on Children of the Night


My own list, better than most midrange strategies in historic, but I made this a while ago. It's fun to play.

Posted 17 September 2021 at 09:41 as a comment on Your deck on YouTube.


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