I agree with both of you. First off whoever's in charge of this site obviously isn't/can't do enough to advertise the site. I also mostly use it for deck storage now, and I keep most of updated "high quality" decks unlisted. But, I also love the whole casual thing going on here, and I like to mess around in weird ways with decks.
Well with a few adjustments, windgrace commander decks can become oathbreaker.
I like the theme.
Feed the clan?
This looks really fun! Maybe path to exile?
Maybe lightning bolt? It's always good.
I probably should do that too haha.
This looks cool! Maybe ghostly prisons mainboard, and some hate enchantments sideboard?
I would replace the dissolves with archmage's charms.
On behalf of the vault, welcome.
Haha, good pun.
No, that's a bug in the site. This is legal in silver border only.
Very cool. This look like something out of archenemy. Maybe replace a big creature with a bloodbraid elf? It's from the plane of jund so it fits theme wise and with the little something it gets it can be as big a threat as something costing more. Maybe also a bituminous blast.
Destructive revelry is always a good sideboard choice if you can use it. I'd also recommend another bolt main board and replacing two thoughtseizes with inquisition of kozileks. You could also consider swan song because it fits in the theme. Looks very cool.
This looks cool. Have you tried any desparks?
Yeah, I've tried those too. Never could get into them the same way.
Im glad I could help your hug deck. I'll check it out.
Yeah, and even though I don't have a bunch of cards that return other stuff, sanitarium skeletons are great to sacrifice. They obviously can come back, but even if you lose them for good from mana reasons, they're only a 1 drop.
Thanks man, I appreciate it. It was a really big risk that paid off. A lot of times when you go monocolored you end up not having enough playables and have to use random other cards you picked up out of your color and you wish you went two colored from the start. I'm glad this one worked out.
Because in draft you can run as many copies of a card that you can pick up.
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