yes, yes it does, although, i feel like you should base your creature base upon walls to better protect yourself as they attack 10 times, also some lifegain wouldn't be bad to let you play more than one annex via phyrexian mana
exactly! i hope it works well for you!
prismatic omen is an enchantment that does the same as joiner adept, also you could go mono green with 4 joiners, 4 birds 4 omens and 4 natural orders, t1 bird t2 joiner t3 natural order sac the bird to play progenitus from your deck, then wreak face
champion of lambholt would optomize your creature base here, seeing as his second ability includes ALL of your creatures i would say drop the mentor, the doomsayer and honestly the Gideons, seeing as your champions already make it more important that you drop a gazillion creatures each turn and depending on how many creatures you have out at a time, i think craterhoof behemoth would be a way cooler finisher than avacyn, particularly if you have the champion of lambholts in and on the feild good luck!
i would actually splash red, that way you can abuse things like apocalypse hydra, battle hymn, and ulasht, the hate seed also, a mana reflections would be a good add as well, that way you can drop your hydras a an even bigger threat
lol if you are running engulfing slagwurm you should run revenge of the hunted, makes him 13 points of damage and boardwipe for your opponent, plus, if you don't have a slagwurm out, you could always make something big, bigger!
thanks all, and if i was also looking at revamping my rb vampire deck (pun intended) if anyone wants to take a look, it is standard, and needs alot more help than my humans... (adding more comments to other decks for this) and as always, if anything comes to mind for my humans, thank you very much
or you could do a lord of tresserhorn deck, he could be fun too
build one around gaddock teeg, he seems like he could do some ganky stuff
something you could look at for artifact/enchant removal is devout chaplin, i use him as sideboard in my RUW humans also, i can't help but notice you don't use gather the townsfolk? it's one of my personal staples when running champions
they would be, but they'd have to go to the graveyard first, reminice works well, and so does the elixers, plus they are cheaper, and the deck is expensive as it is
damn straight! lol, and so far this deck does what it needs to do, any suggestions you may have would be great tho!
i figured it was, i was just giving ideas for you to think about! good luck and have fun stomping face
i guess i could drop one for another gather the townsfolk and nevermore could be a really really good idea, i'll have to see what's hiding out in m13 and return to ravnica
lol, try mill then, between dread waters, stern mentor, curse of the bloody tome and a few others you could put together a fun standard mill if you play casual, oh and a couple jace memory adepts, stupid mill planeswalker i'd just look through blue decks on here and find what you can
that seems really slow to me, seeing as the smuggler's ability costs 4 to play, where i normally would drop hero of bladehold, or a kesig malcontents ftw (it seems to happen alot) although your idea is really cool, it'd be better if it were faster, because as it is, i don't think that would help my tempo any
first, i will (*) any of these that are not meant for a budget, humans get pricey *no champion of the parish? i would swap them for elite vanguard next, drop the splicer and the favor for increasing devotions, more humans, plus flashback for late game bell ringer is great, if you had tap abilities, drop 2 for thraben doomsayers, so you can mess with that ability a little more * even though they don't spawn humans, hero of bladehold is fantastic gather the townsfolk would be a fantastic add as well * clifftop retreats would also help with mana ballance hope this helps
to go off of what ded plays, i had rw humans, and malcontents had me turn 4 wins consitantly, so if you take priority, you should be winning before boardwipe also titan rotates in october, so don't rely on him too much, i would say go with a couple thraben doomsayers, they have a good fateful hour and spawn human toekns by tapping, which pumps your idea more
thank you for the comment, and i will take a look i like the stalker cause once the crusade drops, he gets bigger every turn, plus i can give him double strike and attack with the ringleaders for extra damage, plus he makes blue a balanced color in the deck, otherwise it'd be me splashing for 8 spells as far as the riders are concerned, i've been looking at them for a good long while, and every time, i like them more and more, so unless something dumb comes out in october with return to ravnica, that'll probably be the plug i also need to fing a replacement for sug. extract in my sideboard :/
i just don't know whjat to take out to stay as fast as possible, the ghostforms help me hit as hard as i can, even when they have blockers, so spot removal has never been a problem, i still need to test this with the temporals in it, so they may end up there (probably the hunters)
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