Tajic, Legion's EdgeBoros ReckonerPyrohemiaSulfurous BlastRain of EmbersSpireside InfiltratorFiery Confluence
Etrata could be a real fun aspect with this. He's a interesting target for fractured identity that helps equalize the board state, I'd be willing to bet that most often the hit counters will be spread around by the players rather than gang up on someone. So your opponents help you get those hit counters out, and they remove a bunch of threats off the board at the same time? Also since he shuffles back into your library, you don't have to worry about Endless Whispers making his use get out of hand. Granted there is a chance your opponents will just throw everything at you, but that just means you choose your timing wisely.
If you switch out the Incubation Druids for Gyre Sages you might make budget? I do worry about the renegade krasis though. I admit, the card is epic. He's only gonna level twice unless you're takin the counters off him.
Doesn't seem necessary, and even further distances you from the small amount of blue in the deck.
Other than Skaab Ruinator, what prompts you to use 2 slots on Secrets of the Dead?Cause Scavenge is not casting..
The only other thing I'd be looking at is having something reusable to dump all that excess mana into when I don't want to use my conditional kicks. Preferably something I can resolve at instant speed. Like a Kumano, but obviously not kumano.
I like it, but I think you're going to have mana problems that the chalice isn't gonna be able to fix on its own.
Careful with this, you went bare minimum on lands, and you only have 17 creatures, court hussar will never stay on the field. Add in that 7 of them are legendary.. your field is gonna look smaller than everyone else's. I think 4 lockets is a bit much as well. Considering the sphinx mechanic is already a factor. What you really need is an instant aoe of some kind. Sudden Spoiling, Sleep, something like that. You generally aren't gonna have shitgrips of damage to throw at somebody, so you can't afford to waste half your damage on their defenders. If you pulled and played all your creatures available, you'd have 12 on the field. 3 of which are dead next turn due to cumulative upkeep. I like where it's going, but right now it's looking more like a 1v1 deck than a multiplayer.
I'm concerned that only 8 of your 21 creatures has a madness cost. Otherwise, seems to be pretty solid. Thought Gorger and Avaricious Dragon are really stacked bruisers for this type of deck. I like the idea of the neonate, but that lack of madness would push me to replace it. Possibly for Asylum Visitor? If you think opponents will be topdecking against you often.. Also, I'd take collective brutality over collective defiance, purely based on the escalate cost being a discard.
I like what you did there. If it wasn't for the fact that my werewolves are tied into 2 different decks already, I might have taken a page out of your book on this. +1 from me.
I'd lose the raid bombardment for more instant/sorceries. Splinter twin on dark dwellers is gonna run out of targets quickly with a panharmonicon on the field. Mebbe krenko's command? Or good old lightning bolt.
That's pretty rough. Waiting 3 turns, 3 tapped zombies, 6 mana, 3 discards, and a life to draw a card? I get playing the long game, but if you need to chump block with a zombie, you're pushing your draw back another turn. That's one really expensive draw.
Have you considered using Bloodhall Priest instead of the zombies? You seem to have more than enough discard to keep your madness engine running on all cylinders, she's a 4/4, and has a nifty burn when you ultimately give yourself hellbent. Just a thought. I actually use her in this, if you're interested. http://www.mtgvault.com/themoc/decks/madflash-hellerium
Right on man. Go for it. Let me know how it turns out.
Your creature base and your jinxed stuff seem to be at odds with eachother. I assume you intend on targeting different people with it, but due to their mechanic can easily be passed to unwanted targets by your opponents. You also have little room for when they ultimately get passed back to you. How do you plan on rectifying this?
Just to be clear, Retribution of the Ancients does not give -1/-1 counters. It only negs for the turn.
True dat.. Just come over already, it'll be much quicker
oohI like. Problem though, he's no longer a big hitter, hes a big defender? with no attacking creatures..?
23 lands in one of YOUR decks?! Is it snowing outside? Shit, those doomsayers might be on to something today..
I wonder about the Nocturnus choice. With the thing in the ice, you're golden, it'll hit like a runaway truck, but engulf the shore, your other way of bouncing things for the warped devotion, he'll get bounced too.
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