That looks hideous. And yet still budget. I like it. If you're still considering a red splash, maybe a thundersong trumpeter, our some old Boros radiance stuff could be cool.
Elephant guide doesn't fit. Did you update this after the last tinker session?
To improve consistency, I suggest more land, somewhere between 22 and 24. Your Eidolon of Countless Battles isn't going to benefit much from the rest of the deck as you only have a couple enchants. The stuff with populate isn't going to be much use, considering how infrequently you're making tokens to target with the populate mechanic. Other than that, you're on the right track.
While that does sound pretty hilarious, I'm actually milling myself with the deck, so I dunno how effective it would be in that regard. guess I could always archive trap myself.. and I do have 2 lying around.. I'll sideboard and think about it. Thanks.
I'd drop the Mardu Ragemark's out of the deck, there are many other options to do the same/similar concept without nerfing the deck. You have no white or black in the entire deck, so you're not getting the full effect of what you're paying for mana wise. The only other thing I can remark on at this point is that I would try to stick with the standard 60 cards, only because you can mana screw yourself pretty easily once you pass that mark. Once you get the hang of the game a bit more, then by all means start messin with your mana curve and see what you like more, but starting out, I wouldn't, as its just one more thing to worry about.
Have you thought about using Prey Upon? Goes with the theme, and synergizes really nicely with your Wild Defiance. Wouldnt be a bad replacement for your lightning bolts, if you wanted to bring the cost down.
If you cut down on the variety, you'd have better deck consistency. Seems like the deck vaguely does what you want it to because of it. Hoping you pull that 1 devouring light to save yourself is a hell of a hail mary.
The Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood infinite combo seem a tad out of place here.
Glad to be of service. Looks pretty straightforward now.
I think it would be a bit more consistent if you swapped some swamps for some forests, like 11 forest, 10 swamp. The deck seems to be a bit heavier on the green side.
True enough. Have you thought about droppin in some Utter Ends? Gettin rid of those pesky artifacts and enchantments that trip you up?
Thanks, it was something I always wanted to put together when Kamigawa was type 2, but I never really had the cards for it. Figure an updated version could be a fun casual deck.
Somewhere between turn 2 and 4 someone is going to kill one of your creatures, or have a blocker. I suggest putting in some kind of counter to those things..
Do you have mana problems early game with only 20 land? You cycle so much I'm sure its not a problem mid-late game. Just curious
With the base given, this deck could go in many directions. You could go for the Zhur-Taa Ancient/Rubblehulk/Ground Assault idea, running it based upon pulling more lands out with Explore or something similar, adding in more X cost cards to really put the hurt on in late game like Volcanic Geyser/Street Spasm and the Slime Molding. Or you could go the +1/+1 counter route, or even a midrange beatdown type deck with those Ghor Clan Rampagers and some hefty early game guys like that Disciple of the Old Ways. Possibilities possibilities.. As it is, there is more green than red in your deck, so offsetting your land base might help with its current playability.Example of the Midrange Beatdown would be however, if you wanna know how that deck works, you need to put them in gatherer so you can see the 'transform' side of the werewolves.For a Counter based deck, heres a good one from Matt:
I built this with mind. Standard blue white control type deck with evasive damage(flying/unblockable/etc) thrown in for the whittling. Try to throw your own spin on it, as your playing style isn't the same as mine.
Needs some early game fodder. a lot of your ramping starts with saccing a creature. Birthing Pod, Burnt Offering, Victimize, etc.Love where this is going though.
Hellsparks are definitely a worthy addition, but I just can't make room for that Spark Elemental. Besides, with the Gleancrawlers, its not like I'm running out of creatures anyways. Thanks for the input.
That is freakin hilarious. I thought my Haakon deck was funny and broken. Well played Aluren, Well played.
You sure you want 4 Bloodmark Mentors in that thing? Ever think of replacing 1 of them with a Goblin Wardriver? This is gettin into nitpicky play style territory, but you see what I mean?
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