I understand the sentiment, but a playset of dark ritual kids like $3. Takes the deck from pauper status to budget status. Well within realm of reason. Hell, it's still on the low side of the budget spectrum. Don't gimp your deck for the sake of being cheap, it's less than a happy meal and makes a world of difference.
That may be true, but it's a $9 deck. I think you can afford to splurge a little. Not that I agree with the suggestions, in a suicide deck I would not want to wait the full extra turn for the Warhammer. You're on a time limit already. No need for an unproductive turn in the middle. Heralds fit much better than hippies, though dark ritual definitely deserves consideration. All just my humble opinion though.
Gonna have to agree with the Ugandan Pornstar on this one. Unnecessary.
Maybe Vampire's Bite instead of Butchers Glee? You lose the regen, but it's a little more flexible with cost, allowing a speedy hit if necessary.
Have you considered running Dismantle? Works fantastic with arcbound creatures and the epoch. Though to make it viable you'd need to alter the rest of your artifact creatures, so maybe forget I said anything.
What about the cleric with radiance from og ravnica?
Where's the master healer at? Or turn the tables?
It may seem like a lot, but its just basically the die rolls, counter beer, and sipping beer. It looks daunting at first, but it's actually quite simple in practice.
Embodiment of spring is a weird choice for this type of deck. don't have anything else that would help you morph or manifest better?
Kheru Bloodsucker isn't going to be much help, there are only 3 cards with toughness high enough to proc the ability.
I'd try to cut down on the creatures that aren't minotaurs, as a lot of them are dependent on having other mino's in the first place. It would also make your ragemongers and felhides more effective overall. I also suggest you stop running only 1 of cards unless they're legendary or a complete game breaker, and even then is much rather run at least two. You want the deck to run consistently, right now, it won't.
If you could fit those stalking vengeance back in, this thing would be awesome
The problem is that there aren't many choose your adventure type cards for less than 3cmc. Maybe dropping in a couple low cost walls in would help, but I'm skeptical on that.
Worked out great. It's nice to see casual on the hotlist, not just those standard net decks with two cards switched out.
Wizards of the Coast doesn't set the prices. Morons who net deck do. Can't blame the company for it's idiot followers.
Which is exactly why I refuse to play with or against proxies. Show some damn respect for the game.
Oh man that's awesome! Definitely sideboarding it.
The magister can be a real Debbie Downer for people, so of course I'd love to do it but it was hard enough to whittle this thing down to 60 in just two colors, adding in a possible 3rd color would probably force me to take leave if my sensibilities.
I like it. My only hesitation is that the card will effectively put a giant bullseye on my forehead. Then again, with so much field wipe I guess that'd be a bit of a non-issue.
I'm tellin ya gran, huge game multiplayer with a couple 12 packs is the superior form of magic.And now that the puresteel is in, +1.
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