Artifact ramp is a huge staple of this format. So much so, that I think adding in redundancy is important. On top of the Null Rod, I would add Stony Silence in as well. Cutting Sword of Vengeance seems like the obvious choice, as this deck can use that 6 mana a lot more efficiently.Also, Angel of Jubilation is a hilarious play against a lot of decks, and in some ways is better than Celestial Crusader. There is a surprising amount of decks that get absolutely shut down by this card, so it's at least worth considering.
I'd replace the Duress and Inquisition in the side board for 2 Golgari Charms. Otherwise you have no answers for a Leyline of the Void.
Dragon Broodmother, especially with Scourge of Valkas, is a pretty hilarious card.
If you ever feel like you aren't running enough creatures, Akroan Hoplite has some nice synergy with your Rabblemaster and Brimaz.
I personally find it best to incorporate cards that put MW back in my hand, like Cloudstone Curio and Crystal Shard, let me snowball in a ridiculously fast manner. But of course, that then means I include cards like Fabricate to help me search them out.
Not a problem. And Glimpse the Sun God does the same thing as Word of Binding, only it is costs one mana less, is instant speed, and lets you scry.
I would run something like Brave the Elements or Emerge Unscathed over Dispatch. I also think you should check out the new Devouring Light card. With the amount of untapped creatures you will be having on your field, you will almost always be casting it for free. And one last card to consider is Cathedral of War since it basically gives you free Exalted triggers.
God's Willing would give you the kind of protection you are looking for when it comes to both Bile Blight and Detention Sphere. Plus, it gives you a Heroic trigger and is a one drop. I'd also consider some Boros Charms, because it opens up so much utility to any deck it is in.
If you're that concerned about the mana, just use Go for the Throat. Artifact creatures are usually a lot more rare than Black creatures.
My only problem is that you don't have any real way of dealing with anything your opponent plays. You have one Banisher Priest and that's more of a band aid than anything. Investing in a playset of Path to Exile will give you so much control over the board and running Brave the Elements or Rootborn Defenses will give your creatures survive so much more.
Oh no no no no, read that text closely. That affects PLAYERS, not just you. I have seen my friends lose games because their Primal Vigor gave their opponent the juice they needed to end the game.And by the way, you seem to have a cheaty face Inferno Titan chilling next to your legal one. As bad as it generally is, I think Increasing Savagery would do a lot of work in this deck.
Alright fess up, where are you hiding the Doubling Season and Kalonian Hydra?
Oh, and Jace, Memory Adept ult with Psychosis Crawler is always fun in a Nekusar deck
I don't see a Wound Reflection or an Ebony Owl Netsuke in this deck sir.
Honestly, I would go down to 17 lands and add 1 Oblivion Ring and 2 Honor of the Pure. You have a lot of lands for such a minuscule curve.
Gift of Orzhova >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soul Link
I'm not very familiar with the Superfriends play style, but Far // Away is a great control card that is worth considering. Pithing Needle and Hero's Downfall will absolutely wreck this deck, so sideboarding in some Unravel the Aether and Swan Song will help go a long way to help keep your board safe.
I'd replace two Naturalize and one Harmonize with 3 Khalni Hydra.
I second the Counterflux. Absolutely game changing in a match up against another Blue player.
I like the presence he has late game because I can always bounce him and drop him again. Do you have any recommendations for what could replace him?
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