That's the idea, because I unfortunately don't have the money to drop so much for lands at the moment. Thanks for the replies though.
One other card to consider would be Glaring Spotlight because Hexproof is rude.
Oops, I meant Wound Reflection. Very similar names.
My eyes must be off. I don't see a Rage Reflection or Exquisite Blood in this blood hungry deck of yours.
Only real hint I can give you is that Go For the Throat >>> Murder.
Aha, it's all good man. I have been theory crafting a Landfall deck for some time now, but the one card that has always stayed was Boundless Realms.Any who, you only want two of them in the deck, so I would go with either the Khalni Heart Expedition or the Adventuring Gear. Expeditions I find too slow and easily removed while the Gear doesn't bring a whole lot to the table.Another card to consider is Beastmaster Ascension since this deck generates a healthy amount of tokens.
Boundless Realms.That is all.
There is a sever lack of Trample (Unflinching Courage, Rancor, Etc...) and Sublime Archangel in this deck.
Turn One: Jace's PhantasmTurn Two: Glimpse the UnthinkableCongrats, you are now swinging with a 5/5 flyer turn two.EDIT: Just saw the other comments mentioning it and the price tag on Glimpse. Carry on sir.
There are few things as hilarious as an artifact user flashing in Mycosynth Lattice in response to somebody casting Merciless Eviction naming artifacts.
Teferi's Puzzle Box and Ebony Owl Netsuke are both great additions to any Nekusar deck.
Sire of Insanity and Slaughter Games are amazing sideboard cards against control while Nykthos and Door of Destinies are cards that will help get you a win.
In my opinion, Marath works best in an almost tribal Beast deck. Coat of Arms and Door of Destinies makes Marath downright frightening. My version of it looks like this:
In my experience, Shadowborn decks need draw power desperately or else they simply run out of steam. I think running a playset of Read the Bones and 2 Erebos speed the deck up a fair amount. Throwing in a Whip can also help keep you healthy, especially with this aggro meta that has become so popular.
Running Time Sieve but no Thopter Assembly? Tsk tsk tsk sir. An Etherium Sculptor and Mycosynth Golem would speed this deck up a bit as well.
Garruk, Primal Hunter will fit this deck better than Wildspeaker in my opinion, especially if you run Door of Destinies and Coat of Arms. I would also highly recommend adding in Doubling Season and Primal Vigor because it will make Marath an absolutely frighting sight to behold and combo insanely well with Advocate of the Beast. Asceticism/Privileged Position will help protect your creatures while a card like Grand Abolisher is very nice to make sure your opponents don't mess with your turn. Other cards that are simply nice to have include Seedborn Muse (especially when you have Yeva), Tooth and Nail, Oracle of Mul Daya, Primeval Bounty, and Rites of Flourishing. I am also not sure why you decided to take out Tempt With Discovery, because that card is absolutely nuts.
I highly recommend adding in Spirit Mantle, Daybreak Coronet, and Strionic Resonator.
Primal Surge, Lurking Predators, Basilisk Collar, Gyre Sage, and Primordial Sage would make good additions to the deck.You unfortunately can't run Doomgape in this deck, but you can run other fun creature cards like Vigor, Spearbreaker Behemoth, Urabrask the Hidden, Terastodon, Stalking Vengeance, Craterhoof Behemoth, Hamletback Goliath, Moldgraf Monstrosity, and Utvara Hellkite.
Holy cow, I am a blind blind man. I shall not post after 2 AM any longer
I would highly recommend adding in Doubling Season, Illusionist's Bracers and Kalonian Hydra. Not entirely sure what you should take out for them, but they would speed this deck up a lot.
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