Hm, thanks for the tip. I've been slowly collecting cards for an extraction deck and so far i've been enjoying the use of counterbalance in my decks, so i'm most likely gonna include countertop in whichever deck i end up making.
Hey surewhynot, I was wondering... How viable are extraction decks like the ones you make in legacy play? This deck, as well as your suspend extraction, and the solitaire deck all look they could do really well in the format. Also, which form of extraction do you think would be the best in a legacy setting?
I was expecting to see something original...
Unoriginal combo, there are so many variations of this deck in standard now. Anyway, you said you want an alternate win con, some variants of this use pyromancer ascension with bolts and burst lightnings or whatever burn you prefer. Look up UR Pyrotwin, it's pretty common lately.
Talking about bank draining... fail to notice tabernacle
Add the thopter foundry+sword of the meek combo
4 Untaidake, the Cloud Keeper and 4 great wall
Mesa's are nice for deck thinning
Also, I agree with adding inkmoth nexus
OOO, didn't notice that... Guess i was dropped one too many times as a child. Thanks for the correction.
Good idea, i'll work em in
heh heh... you completely missed the combo. You have no artifact to sacrifice for shape anew. in order to use it you need to have an artifact in play.
it's a joke.... way to catch on
Actually it would hurt, captivators don't go in a real competitive vampires deck... Pretty good decklist raggedjoe.
Also, wurmcoil engine is good in almost any standard deck.
Alright, I'd drop foresee for preordain, i don't have an explanation for this, it's just what i'd do. I think adding more early game control would help you take the lead. Inquisition of kozilek or duress will work wonders for removing your opponents early game threats or removal. Spell pierce is also a nice early game counter, i'd probably sideboard it against spell heavy decks.
Here's how to handle that guy... 1. wait untill he plays a planeswalker. 2. drop great wall. 3. convince him his planeswalker gets wieped. 4. proceed with lulz.
sure thing, i'll see what i can do.
I have no clue... i keep having to tell people it isn't serious, and i also have to keep shoving my palm through my head.
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