Terramorphics are bad, scalding tarns are infinitely better. As for adventuring gear, the only thing i can see myself taking out for it are the swords, which i have had success with in this deck.
Koth is only good if he's in the right deck, and this deck isn't it. and yea, pyroclasm would be nice against aggro.
Spin engine looks like it could work, but there's nothing i'd want to take out for it.
Deck thinning
Thanks, ill check it out.
Thanks, i appreciate all the help. This is like, one of the first standard decks i've actually tried to make work. Usually i just say screw it and make extended or legacy decks.
Yea, Puca's Mischief would be nice. I'm gonna fit that in
oh, obviously, wow, stupid me.
trying to keep it more red than artifacts, but good suggestions, i had necropede in here originally
Yea, i think i'm gonna take out the clasps for 2 bombs. I also need to make a sideboard.
Doesn't lili put cards on top of your library and not in your hand? I feel like its kinda pointless using colfenors plans for anything other than donate. The one spell per turn thing is just terrible.
Sooo, what should i take out to fit that in? contagion clasps? or maybe ditch the swords?
Congratz on hitting the 50 deck mark, by the way.
That's awfully generous of you :D I'd love some more suggestions on my red infect Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=154883
You may want to take out 2 lands for 2 more staggershocks or arsonists. 20 is usually the best amount of lands in a red deck. If possible, take a look at my mono red infect deck i need suggestions Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=154883
Took a look at it. Needs some work, but you're getting the idea.
It's getting there, try to get playsets of the cards you don't have. That said, you should add a skithyrix or two if you have them.
Yea, good point, galvanic blast is only there for creature removal anyway.
Hmmm, yea, i like the gaveleer idea, thanks!
definitely different. How's it been playing? You might want to add another grafted exoskeleton. Seems like they'd be amazing if you put them on birds with swords. and if you like different infect decks take a look at my mono red infect Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=154883
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