i feel like i need to change something with the lands but im not quite sure what... please comment!
i tested this deck on magic work station and have some final recommendations: take out obsidian fireheart and electropotence, by the time their abilities become effective, you should have won by then, and add four lightning bolts in their place. the deck was more successful with them
i really like this deck and i want to play with it because i love shadowmoor, and wither. my only suggestions are to sideboard gleeful sabotage, add 4 giant growth, and add 4 rampant growth. i know the creatures you have are relatively low cost but a some extra speed will help
i would definitely use Khalni Hydra and harrow. i wouldnt use It That Betrays. two eldrazis are fine and the hydra will help out A LOT
i like this and i like the fact that you are focusing on low-cost deagons. i would sideboard shatter and aura barbs and put in four rite of flame's. that will help the speed out even more. also, more crucibles of fire would be nice. excellent job though so far
i would take this in a slightly different direction. my suggestion is take out black, base the deck around mycoloth and hellkite hatcheling, and use siege gang commander and dragon fodders (+other low cost ceatures/spells that are good to devour). i know taking out black means sadly no sprouting thrinax but trust me it will be better
ok i just want to say i love this deck. this seems so fun to play with. the only change i would make is swap out lightning serpent for hell's thunder. otherwise, excellent deck
i thought about running raging ravine so i may put that in or i may not but i like it a lot more than lava claw reaches. kresh has won me a few games thanks to a late terminate or maelstrom pulse (especially against exalted) but come to think of it, it is not a huge part of the deck. im also on the fence about master of the wild hunt because i also kind of like great stable stag and putrid leech. thanks for the help!
love it. the only problem is that it can fall to a naturalize or some other destroy artifact ability
use marshal's anthem. it will help a lot
take out urborg volcano and add dragonskull summit. and add lightning bolts
i thought this deck would be really fun to play with so i tried it out and theres a huge problem with it: its way too slow. i thought gemhide sliver would give the deck enough speed but it doesn't. otherwise, the concept of the deck is very good and i love nemesis mask with dead-iron sledge. if you find more ways to make it faster, this deck will be great
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