this deck is very good. i would suggest thunderblust. at first i underestimated it, but after using it, it proved to be one of the best cards in the deck. also, try soul's fire or fling. using either of those on a nova chaser is deadly. rage nimbus isnt necessary
i have a stormtide but anyway it wont be that much (except for jace). getting jace would be the biggest problem but if mike didnt sell his yet then he would lend them to you. and i know he would because he wouldnt believe me if i told him that you made a good deck. he would want to see it
love this one. i think it is your best. you should really try and make this. if not, then landfall life-gain, then boros control
i suggest -2 survival cache, -2 forest, -1 plains, -4 borderland ranger, -1 rampaging baloths, +2 rest for the weary
check out my deck, its called m11 mono red. our are very similar and are based on the same concept. i run chandra nalaar to make sure spitfire can be pumped every turn. i also use fling to finish them off. i do like tunneler though so ill probably add him
i really like this deck. i have a version of this too. now im considering replacing my kiln fiends with goblin guides. check out my deck - its called m11 mono red
i really like it but i would consider goldenglow moth, lone missionary, rest for the weary, and sunspring expedition. then your sideboard should have stuff like kor firewalker, solemn offering, souls attendant, and lightkeeper of emeria. excellent deck
i can tell this is a good deck because i would hate to play against it. many people attempt u/w control but if they dont do it right then it will be a huge failure. the only suggestions i have contain cards from alara so that must mean your deck is finished. good work!
most of my mono colored decks are for fun. my more serious decks are usually multicolored
sounds good, i figure out how to work her in. thanks
you missed chandra nalaar! haha nice
suggestions welcome! if anyone has any better ideas for spells/enchantments, please share
mind spring should help you out a lot
Frogtosser Banneret will do you wonders. i would take out two weirding shamans and two festering goblins for 4 of them
i actually used to run gatekeeper. i did like him except for the fact that i had to pay three black. but now ive decided i want a good two drop. right now i have kiln fiend but i also like plated geopede and hellspark elemental. im trying to decide between them
whoa! allies and sun titan will be crazy. this deck is really good. no suggestions
if you ever decide to make this non-standard, then goblin sharpshooter is the way to go
blowfly infestation and crumbling ashes dont backfire. you dont have to target your own creatures, you can just target nothing
yeah! love it. pnly thing left to do is test it and make necessary changes (maybe some spells like lightning bolt and lightning helix) but obviously if it works well now, then you are all set
i would use bituminous blast. you can cascade into anything else in your deck with it
41-60 of 92 items