that's the point, to sac it to itself. look at steady progress, it costs 3 to proliferate and draw a card. for one less mana, throne of geth just proliferates. i think it is worth it because you can wait to use the throne's until you need them, particularly to end the game
-2 leyline of punshment (put 4 in your sideboard), -1 tuktuk, -3 shortcutter, -1 punishing fire. +4 goblin guide, +3 pyretic ritual. hope this helps!
one problem: you forgot blightning lol. anyway, i think you have a little too much creature destruction for a discard deck. i have a deck like this. its called blightning beatdown. at first i used chandra's spitfire because with liliana's caress out, and a blightning, you deal 11 damage and discard two. if you replace caress with megrim, 11 damage becomes 17 damage because spitfire gets pumped. the biggest setback is megrim costing three because it delays the combo a full turn (in comparison to using liliana's caress). if you do use megrim, thats when terminate and doom blade become very useful because you can use those turn two instead of playing caress. since there are setbacks and advantages to both combos, use the one you prefer
thank you everyone for the suggestions. i will try to use lavaclaw reaches if i can get them and i run thought hemorrhage in my sideboard for graveyard recursion. with regards to liliana vess, she actually is a very good distraction, but like i said, ill test the deck with liliana and bit blast and see which one i like better
i've been on the fence about liliana vess. if i would add her, then i would take out bituminous blast. however, i would like the opponent to discard as early as possible, while they still have cards in their hand. also, bituminous blast cascades into anything, except lightning reaver. ill test the deck both ways
i would take out both ball lightnings and one searing blaze to add a raging ravine, a hell's thunder, and a gaea's revenge
mycoloth is way better than skullmulcher, especially in devour decks
lightning reaver and ensnaring bridge is a great combo because lightning reaver deals more damage each turn without gaining power
i would use forsee so you can draw non creature cards and leave creature cards on top of your library while you have ula's temple out
Sliver Overlord
burning inquiry thats it!. when i got the idea for this deck i planned on using that but forgot about when i made the deck. thanks!
i would use scar and puncture bolt to put -1/-1 counters on their creatures instead of +1/+1 counters. while you are waiting to get kulrath knight out, you should weaken their creatures instead of helping them
gnarled effigy is too slow. i tried it in my wither deck and it just doesnt work well. i do like fate transfer though and i will try to work it into my deck. check out my wither decks. i have two: a red/black wither and a mono black wither. my mono black wither is better so you should check that one out
i really like this deck. im definitely going to try it out. i would consider siege-gang commander for your main deck, but more importantly thought hemorrhage for your sideboard. the last thing you want to do is put vengevines in their graveyard just waiting to pound you
turn 1: swamp, dark ritual, buried alive (3 demigod of revenge). turn 2: dark ritual, dark ritual, demigod of revenge, the 3 demigods in your graveyard return to play, attack for 20, game. look at that, a turn 2 win, where's my cookie?
too bad maelstrom pulse exists...relentless rats decks crush everything else. only way to stop it is buy using steely resolve. however there are two problems with it. 1: steely resolve can be pulsed, 2: its green
you need molten rain and akki-blizzard herder. i know the herder causes you to lose one of your own lands, but you have more than enough mana accel to compensate for it. you also need a win condition. a good creature to use (especially on a budget) is predator dragon. i know it is a rare but it will work very well in your deck, especially with mudbutton torchrunner. you also dont need that much mana accel, you can probably do without 2 seething songs. you dont want to get stuck with them late game when you dont need them
good call! thanks
we can still do one...we'll just do it with packs cause i would buy more anyway
ok now i have two stormtides and brian has one. i also have a mass polymorph as well as wall of frost, augury owl, and ether lol
21-40 of 92 items