Thanks! I didn't know about Supreme Verdict. Rootborn Defenses also seems like a great card to sideboard in general so I'll do some play testing with that.
I actually like the Sliver Legion + Crystal Quarry a lot. Since I would be playing Shared Triumph and Honor of the Pure early, the later pump would be very helpful. I definitely wouldn't run Sliver Overlord but Sliver Queen might actually be useful. With the Queen I could start pumping out Slivers that already get a power and toughness bonus. The only problem is, that would be slower than I would like it to be. If I went in that direction though, I would need more life gain and protection cards so that I could buy time for the combo to take effect.
I run a deck VERY similar to this. Child of Night works wonders, keep it. When I play them, they usually die early, but gaining 2-4 life off of them is a bigger advantage than you think. Also, definitely swap out 4 Duress for 4 Doom Blade. Using Doom Blades early game to knock out the opponents faster creatures leaves the field open for you to do work. Stromkirk Captain, Nighthawk, and Nocturnus is an incredible combo. Even Stromkirk Captain and a single Bloodline Keeper is an excellent combo.
I think 24 lands is too much. Everything in your deck has a pretty low mana cost, so you could probably get away with 20 lands. Also, if you are gonna go with superfriends, maybe some curses would help. Consider Curse of the Nightly Hunt and Curse of the Pierced Heart
I really wanted to run Green Sun's Zenith, Thrun, and Bellowing Tanglewurm, but they also won't be legal when M12 and the Mirrodin block rotate out. Nightshade Peddler isn't really the direction I'm headed in. It's a great card, but It's just not necessary; I would much rather play another Strangleroot, or a couple spells. The main point of this deck is fast damage. Rancor ensures that early damage will get through, and I'm not too concerned if my creatures die. If they die, they will just come back (and so will Rancor). I understand your concern for my lack of creatures in a mono green deck, and that sort of concerns me too. I am hoping that Undying solves that problem for me though. Thanks for the input!
Since the point of Revive was to get creatures back, Sheltering Word definitely makes more sense. Undying along with Sheltering Word is a great way to deal with removal. I know Titanic Growth isn't as good as Giant Growth, but Giant Growth won't be legal (this deck is for when M12 and the Mirrodin block rotate out).
I am really liking the main idea of this deck. The creatures are perfect but I would change a few things. Maybe swap out Distress for Despise. Distress is good, but for 1 less mana cost, Despise might be worth it. I would definitely test out the deck with both though. Next, I don't see how you can play Revoke Existence so take that out and Tezzeret's Gambit, and add in 3 Sign in Blood. Sign in Blood is definitely better than Tezzeret's Gambit for your deck. Also, I would sideboard Tribute to Hunger and put Geth's Verdict in its place. Again, the 1 less mana cost is helpful. Also be sure to sideboard Go for the Throat (in case you go against a token deck, in which case you would take out Geth's Verdict for Go for the Throat. Finally, I don't think Inkmoth Nexus would be too helpful, so I would put Haunted Fengraf in its place. That could be very helpful in getting Phyrexian Obliterator back. Also, 24 lands seems too high. You only have four 5-drops so you could probably get away with 20 lands. I hope this helps and please test this deck out! I would love to see if this deck could do well in tournaments.
A friend of mine has an EDH deck that looks a lot like this. I highly recommend Necropotence. Since you have life gain cards like Corrupt and Tendrils of Corruption, you can afford to be very liberal with Necropotence. This combination gives you a huge advantage. If you want you can also throw in Spellbook.
Actually, I did some research. It looks like M12 will become illegal in standard when the new block is released, not M13.
As soon as M13 is released, M12 is still legal, right? I thought there were a few weeks where the two sets overlapped
What do you mean by murder? like creature destruction spells?
excellent deck! i just made one similar to this. I am considering adding Koth and Bloodcrazed Goblin. check mine out, its called "Direct Damage T2"
excellent deck! my only suggestions are to add a sideboard. you will want to add some artifact/enchantment destruction. also, be careful with creeping tar pit. the only way to activate its ability is the have two of them out, which might be difficult to get
haha oops! thanks for telling me i didnt even realize i missed it
you have some good stuff here. it looks a lot like my deck called "elemental destruction." check it out, it will be good for comparison
i really like this deck...looks similar to mine. check out my discard deck because i will probably use a few of the cards you have. maybe my deck could help you
i like this deck and i have a few suggestions you could use. 1) use more direct damage as in burst lightning and staggershock. i would highly suggest staggershock being that it almost ensures the activation of bloodcheif ascension by itself. 2) run four diabolic tutors. if for some reason you dont draw into a bloodcheif ascension or mindcrank, the tutor will ensure it. 3) change your creatures. i would recommend using very defensive creatures so that your main combo has time to work. for example, vampire nighthawk is good but mortis dogs isnt. also, you could try using hoarding dragon or kuldotha forgemaster. they are expensive but could get the job done. finally, use some removal like go for the throat and doom blade for some added defense
the point of this deck is poison, not wither. and i use throne of geth because its basically a poison counter for 2 mana. i can sacrifice one of my ichorclaws if i want but its main purpose is to sac it to itself
i would consider hellcarver demon. if you havent won by turn 6, then that would guarantee a win
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