Is the split between snow covered and regular forest just aesthetic? Or am I missing something? Either way, looks fun!
Either way, it still looks fun to me!
It seems's like Offspring's Revenge would have a place in this deck. have no idea what you would cut, but overall this deck looks like a lot of fun!
Interesting idea. I tried something similar with Wall of Blood.
Always a fun deck!
Korvold puts in work!
Feels like this is a fun idea that would translate into a Commander deck, so I might be stealing your win con!
Interesting idea. I kind of like it, but I am still working out how it all works, but fun!
Clever idea, I like it.
It's been a fun deck to putter around with on Arena.
Fun version. Slivers were my first self built Commander deck, and to this day my favorite.
I still want to make a Commander version of this concept. I love the idea.
I think I see what you're doing here, but I am used to seeing a lot more removal in Skeleton Swarm Deck. Still a fun idea!
Okay, that's a funny title!
Interesting idea. I kind of like it!
So how does it play at the table? Just curious, as it looks fun-obviously more so to play than on the receiving end of-but still a lot of fun!
Commander is an immensely popular format, the card is a staple in a lot of decks. Demand drives price.
I don't do Modern but this looks cool. I'll try to watch the video sometime this week and respond with any comments I might have!
Okay this looks fun!
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