Let us know how it rolls! My own version seems to do pretty decent. Got stomped out quick against my wifes Vampire deck, but I rolled three other decks she play tested with me pretty readily. It's become a fun favorite of mine!
I use it extensively in my own GB version of an infect deck!https://www.mtgvault.com/seriouspaul/decks/blue-green-infect/
A lot of the versions I see have the RS's. I hadn't thought about the Arclight, but that's a great idea too.
Looks solid. Let me know how it plays!
In this version of the deck I'd almost think another Corpse Knight would fit the theme, as you generate a lot of tokens which plays well to its ability to ping an opponent out pretty quickly. But I could see an argument made for an Embercleave too. It has the benefit of basically costing the same for base casting cost (Sure one more, but chances are you'll always drop it at least with one creature on the battlefield so it pretty much always starts off at CMC 5, and with Tournament Grounds you can play it pretty readily.)
The only barrier to Surgical extraction, which is admittedly an outstanding card, is price. At a low of 25 dollars to a price that can be quite a bit higher it represents a pretty serious investment. but I think you summed up the strategy really well-fast enough to disrupt an opponent's strategy!
Well Tormod's is cool, you can Also try Ashiok:https://www.mtgvault.com/card/ashiok-dream-render/WAR/As far as Twincasts vs Mind Funeral go I'd say play it both ways and see which it goes. I like Mind Funeral better in a dual colored deck-but I can see where you'd get value either way!
A little pricier, but I've seen it used to great effect, this seems like it would fit in here:https://www.mtgvault.com/card/glimpse-the-unthinkable/IMA/And Mind Funeral can be a great play too:https://www.mtgvault.com/card/mind-funeral/ARB/A play set of both will run you around 25-30 bucks but together they can put an opponents deck into the graveyard pretty quick.At 13 cents apiece these aren't horrible for a land addition:https://www.mtgvault.com/card/nephalia-drownyard/ISD/Obviously you don't want too many but it can add a late game, no cards in hand option.Once you have their graveyard there you might want to try a Crypt Incursion to replenish the life you've probably lost.https://www.mtgvault.com/card/crypt-incursion/DGM/They run cheap too. About ten cents a piece.
Slip Through Space for the groin punch!https://www.mtgvault.com/card/slip-through-space/OGW/
Now that sir or ma'am is clever!
Another, but admittedly slower option, way to deal with pesky creatures is Callous Dismissal. I drop it to slow them down, and use the Amassed Zombie as a chump blocker. It's fun sometimes to watch them drop four or five mana on something then send it back, and they miss a land, or not, and still have to drop it again.https://www.mtgvault.com/card/callous-dismissal/WAR/The Green elemental Knight is one I've used this on to good effect, because with Hushbringer it doesn't have any ETB, but it does have reach.
So I don't know what your goals or limits are with this deck-price or format, but I'd strongly recommend adding Hushbringer into it as at least a 2 of.https://www.mtgvault.com/card/hushbringer/ELD/I run a similar deck on Arena and Hb has shut down the oven cat decks immediately, as well a lot of other ETB effects effectively. But either way have fun!
https://www.mtgvault.com/card/hero-of-bladehold/MBS/Seems like it might have a home here. Obviously I know what your parameters are, but it generates a lot of midrange value.
Actually it's because her nickname is Turkish. She loves playing Simic, much to my misfortune! She whomps me a lot. This actually got busted and turned into her Simic Commander deck. A brutal beast that even gives me Sliver Commander deck a run for it's money even when it loses.
Oh I definitely want to hate this. Immediately! Heh, neat idea!
So as I see it you're relying pretty heavily on Whispersilk cloak to ensure that you get through, combined with Inquisitor's Flail. have you thought about adding some Trample? Maybe a copy of Rancor or two. Also Putrefy might help eliminate some threats to you. Also dual lands might be useful here.https://www.mtgvault.com/card/putrefy/DGM/Not sure what your limits are.
Nice. Who would you use as a Commander? I'm trying to build a casual Mardu Knight deck, but this got me thinking about a Commander deck now too!
I would hate to be on the receiving end of this!
I think this would have a home here:https://www.mtgvault.com/card/hero-of-bladehold/MBS/
Yeah it's a tough call. Especially with Hankyu, which allows them to pop out late game, get equipped and ping that Infect point. I recall when we found out in Commander it was still 10 Infect damage for the win. Our house rule is now half starting life total because of me, and my infect sliver.
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