I just lost and won against this other day!
Syr Konrad, the Grim seems expensive for this deck. I have a version I play on Arena and one I am working on for paper-both are vulnerable to removal and counters. But by the time you've dropped him Ashiok or other removal cards will have already had a few hits.
I see you don't like friends! Whatever they did forgive them! Heh, cool idea!
Why Arc Trail and not say Lightning Bolt?
No, because they're cheap it means you can pop them out as you get them, and since Commander has a lot of mass removal options you'll need some cheap and quick creatures.And now that I look at it again I'd trim baton of Courage. It has the benefit of instant speed, but I think it's just kind of slow for your goal. By the time you have 3 mana you'll have already tagged a hit, and started proliferating.
The Sliver. Kind of out of place, no synergies beyond infect, seems like an easy cut. Astral Cornucopia is a reallate game card, even in Commander. I'd trim that. Hope that helps on your search to narrow it all down! looks fun, let us know how it does!
No dual lands?
If anyone can think of sleeves for this deck I'd love suggestions for something fits the theme!
So not sure what format you're looking for here, but I am interested in the idea!
Appropriately titled!
Lone Rider is a cheap one drop, which this deck seems to have in Carrion Feeder and Viscera Seer-which in theory can get you card draw, but with Bishop of Wings you want to pop out tokens pretty quickly. Lone rider can quickly become a 4/4 with lifelink, trample and first strike. (So turn one Lone Rider. Turn 2 Bishop of WingsTurn 3 Resplendent Angel, gain 4 life transform Lone Rider and profit!)The croll does the same as Carrion Feeder and Viscera Seer, and at the same cost but quicker. And you gain life.(So turn one Scroll of AvacynTurn 2 Bishop of wingsTurn 3 Resplendent Angel, gain 4 life.Turn 4 Sac Scroll, gain 5 life, draw card and create Angel token with Vigilance, gain 4 more life from Bishop.)I don't think it is necessarily better, but rather a different way to gain the card advantage and life, and generate tokens.You could also add Lyra, give your angels +1/+1 and lifelink for the late game. Kind of depends on what you have available, and want to do.https://www.mtgvault.com/card/lyra-dawnbringer/DOM/
Seems like Resplendent Angel would have a home here.https://www.mtgvault.com/card/resplendent-angel/M19/Lone Rider might be at home here too:https://www.mtgvault.com/card/lone-rider/EMN/Same for Scroll of Avacynhttps://www.mtgvault.com/card/scroll-of-avacyn/AVR/
Lost twice to a deck similar to this on Arena yesterday. Once was a total loss-just couldn't get rolling. The other was much closer and against a red blue flying deck. Got it down to 1 life before I lost. Interesting idea!
Now I feel silly, I totally missed that!
Oh, okay since you didn't mention you were looking for a rotation proof deck that definitely changes the goal.
Instead of Thoughtseize maybe Drill Bit?https://www.mtgvault.com/card/drill-bit/RNA/Same basic effect but no life lost on your part.
You definitely don't owe anybody anything. I, personally, think this site is great and I try link and post when I can. But seriously it's a game, and you have a life! Enjoy this will be here!
At 10 cents replacing 1 Phyrexian Scriptures with an Eldest Reborn seems like it would fit in this particular deck. Thanks for sharing!https://www.mtgvault.com/card/the-eldest-reborn/DOM/
I tried a different route while thinking about this.https://www.mtgvault.com/seriouspaul/decks/white-angel-casual-clone/
I'd suggest dropping one Oath of Kaya and replacing it with something else or just cutting to 60 cards. Beyond that looks solid!
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