
60 Decks, 1,392 Comments, 511 Reputation

looks good, if youre looking for elf ideas, check out my Eladamri EDH. I think I have almost all of the decent elves in there:

Posted 08 January 2013 at 15:07 in reply to #314996 on Ezuri's speed elf army


you say "the competetive range of standard" but use Brainstorm, Dragon Fodder, ect. which are not standard legal...Modern?

either way, I might run this at FNM Modern...nice deck

Posted 07 January 2013 at 23:44 as a comment on Curious Goblins


how is Everlasting Torment an answer for Akroma's Memorial? its a R/B effect, and Memorial gives protection from R/B...

Posted 07 January 2013 at 12:12 in reply to #314761 on The Day of Suffering


why use coulhauler, which hits you? maybe use Platinum Emperion to prevent damage to you, and Into the Maw and Blasphemous Act to beat up your Stuffy.....

Posted 07 January 2013 at 11:37 as a comment on Masochism (Combo)(HELP)


Im working the land issue, some are there to untap mana elves, others to untap lands that produce excess mana. I feel like Primalcrux would be tougher to find room for than Rofellos or the Liege, but it could work. thanks for the input

Posted 06 January 2013 at 19:56 in reply to #314421 on Eladamri Elves {EDH}


Kicker is an additonal mana cost, not an alternate, or (x), so you CAN kick it, the ruling posted states as much

Posted 06 January 2013 at 17:44 in reply to #314500 on RGWU FogMyr the Infinite


Rangers Path is better than Caravan Vigil, unless you have a way to activate Morbid. Also, I would leave Yeva in, because being able to flash in a vorapede at the opponents endstep or as a blocker after declaration of attack is super helpful

Posted 06 January 2013 at 15:39 as a comment on Standart Green Ramp Attempt


5Jan13 - I went 3-2 last night at FNM, finishing in the top 8(7). Won games against Mono Green Aggro/Ramp(2-0), R/U Guttersnipe(2-0), and B/W Exalted(2-0). Lost rounds 1 and 5 to G/W Thrag (2-1) and B/R Rakdos Aggro(0-2...this guy took first, undefeated)

overall i am pleased with how it ran

Posted 06 January 2013 at 03:18 as a comment on B/W/U Exalted


sideboard is too big, you have a lot going on. it just doesnt seem very effective to me.
-Chandra is essentially useless here, unless you plan on using her to copy your Ranger's Path or Farseek...copying Supreme Verdict and Terminus doesnt do anything..and with only 2 burn spells, yeah. shes not good here.
-Tamiyo doesnt seem to have much use either, as by the time you have her out, most aggro decks have too much for her to deal with alone. Verdicts and Rifts help, but not enough, imo.
-Jace is solid because he is a draw engine, and its only 3 turns to ultimate if he can survive your lack of defense.
-Garruk helps jace, in that he makes blockers, but what about Dreadbore? two mana, and your defense generator is gone.

It seems to me like you dont want to decide on a single playstyle, so you threw a bunch together. My suggestion is to decide which one or two planeswalkers you want to build around, and do that. I dont see enough support here.

Good Luck!

Posted 05 January 2013 at 19:36 as a comment on Knock, knock... Planeswalkers!


im not a fan of Fiend Hunter as opponent removal, I use him in my U/W deck to save a creature from my own Supreme Verdict, but i just dont think he works as well as permenantly removing something from the field.

Posted 04 January 2013 at 13:13 in reply to #313910 on B/W/U Exalted


Tormented soul is far too easy to remove, wheras stalker makes an opponent sweat in this type of deck. Roodborn Defenses I like, but not necessarily here. it has saved my ass a few times, but I see where other things fit better. Lingering Souls is in here so I dont have to use my exalted triggers as chump blockers, and I have yet to run into a land balance issue, although the ETB on cathedral was an oversight on my part, I still think it works well on turn 3 instead of turn 2, considering the low mana cost in this deck.

thanks for the tips guys

Posted 04 January 2013 at 13:11 in reply to #313938 on B/W/U Exalted


if you're in a situation where you need a 16/16 flying lifelink creature in an exalted deck, you should just scoop and play Thrag like everyone else... Id rather start attacking turn 3 with a 5/4 knight and end the game before they have a chance to get going. besides the fact that for the price of playing one Vis Kal, you can drop 4 exalted triggers in its place (knight, knight, duty bound dead, Aven squire) provided you have the hand.

also, sacing your triggers is foolish and desperate. I would also replace 2 soul link and one murder with 3 lingering souls to make chump blockers.

Posted 04 January 2013 at 04:14 in reply to #313848 on B/W exalted


-2 duskmantle prowler
-2 Desecration Demon
-1 Vish kal
-1 Nefarox
-3 Pacifism
-2 Swamp
-2 Plains

+4 Duty Bound Dead
+2 Sublime Archangel
+3 Oblivion Ring
+4 Isolated Chapel

Vish Kal and Nefarox are too slow for exalted, where the name of the game is speed. Duskmantle Prowler isnt very good, because most of the time, youre only using him for his trigger, which is accomplished for 3 mana less by Duty Bound Dead. Sublime Archangel is also needed.
I like the nighthawk as your attacker, because of the lifelink.

Posted 04 January 2013 at 03:06 as a comment on B/W exalted


add a couple stuffy doll to maximize your Blasphemous Act. having 2 on the field when you hit the BA can win it for you

Posted 01 January 2013 at 20:28 as a comment on Clear


Fencing Ace is cute and all, but super easy to deal with with removal. I would replace all 4 of them with Knight of Glory. much better card, with built in resilience. Also, Detention Sphere is probably better than Oring.....

Posted 01 January 2013 at 02:46 as a comment on Archangel's Counterpart


yeah, thats about all I got for ya...good luck. If you get a chance, take a look at my guttersnipe decks :)


Posted 25 December 2012 at 23:14 in reply to #312144 on Speed Help?


looks good. since youre running mono red, and burn, you might consider replacing 4 mountains with 4 Valakut, the Molten Pinnicle. that could be fun. basically a free late game lightning bolt

Posted 25 December 2012 at 23:03 in reply to #312144 on Speed Help?


I run a deck similar to this in standard. you should add Pillar of Flame or Searing Spear instead of some of the creature only burn and the burn that hurts you.

Posted 25 December 2012 at 22:38 in reply to #312144 on Speed Help?


theyre too expensive for what you want to do. like I said, play a guttersnipe, next turn, playu dual casting on that guttersnipe, cast pillar of flame, copy it, deal 8 damage. win.

Posted 25 December 2012 at 22:26 in reply to #312144 on Speed Help?


half the game is luck of the draw bud...but Guttersnipe and dual casting should both be in here.

Posted 25 December 2012 at 21:30 as a comment on Speed Help?


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