i dont have enough dreds to make something endredible.That being said I am unframiliar with elf combo. I just thought it would be hilarious to see this in action.
so reanimator/sneak and show?The only problem I would personally have with this is only 3 cantrips since careful study gets rid of card advantage, you can easily replace that with ponder and have better advantage.Otherwise this looks fun as hell to play.
I like what this does. However it is not fully optimized.If anything I would have zealot in odrics place because odric is simply slower, also it makes people think twice about thinking twice, pun intended. Also pillar of flame isnt that big of a deal in this meta anymore now that zombies have for the most part fallen off the radar, you can pull spears in that place and pillar in the sideboard.I like the gather the townsfolk however, it gives you enough so that by turn 3 you can battalion early as well as getting those hilarious good champ triggers.Also look into lightning mauler.In the sideboard i would replace the arrest with oring, since it can hit more than arrest as well as it stops triggered abilities like champ's counters. Think of a naya deck that just charges him up, then sundering growths it and now its an 8/8. 5 alarm fire would be hilarious here, good look so far.
you know midrange and control is a thing in legacy right?tarmagoyf, lilliana, and many other "too slow things" are all the rage right now!Who woulda thunk it?
really like this, however I see no need for elixer.You could easily run no elixer at all and instead run past in flames and ponder since you really only need one past in flamesIf life is the problem vensers journal already takes care of that. Otherwise I love what this does, have you considered blatant theivery at all?
probably a good idea, the grapeshot idea was just something that i thought would be useful if I could cantrip. If I can i can expect probably 3 azorius charms, 2 boros charms, an expedition map or two and then grapeshot for a total of 15 damage, which is nice but not exactly the only win con in this deck.
I would splice in blue or run the mono black counterspell for more control.It seems as if you have all that you need to run hand disruption but it almost seems too much.I would also run 2 doom blade and 2 victim of night over murder, its faster which is nice plus with victim you can still get black creatures and doom blade takes care of everything else, paired with geth it makes for a very aggresive way to attack the opponents creatures. I can also see you running more artifacts like chrome mox for mana acceleration for something like diabolic tutor, some artifact ramp combined with dark rit will allow you to access consuming vapors and obliterator turn 1, which is nothing to laugh at.Lilianna is also a good option. The more you can keep control up and move faster than your opponent the better, you have a good base but it's flooded with too much of the same thing to the point it almost, at least to me, looks inflexible. Also innocent blood is another good one since you are creature light.Another fun combination you could run is arena with obliterator, force fights and have it act like a smokestack on a stick for you.
oh dangwell i need a replacement then
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