
290 Decks, 110 Comments, 29 Reputation

I'm surprised your running chainers edict at all or even innocent blood. Wouldnt 3 more lillianas, another hymn and fourth geth's verdict do better? Is their a reason for Chainers?

Also I have to ask but what is your sideboard trying to do?

Posted 07 January 2014 at 07:06 as a comment on Dark Stompy


I like what you got going here, the only thing is I cant see why you would play Gravecrawler here, their should be a better creature for that slot since 4 of your zombies your probably going to sac for the ETB-LTB effect (sculler) and the other one is a removal magnet. I would suggest something that doesnt need the other zombies, like maybe brood of cockroaches, or since your playing jund you could use a punishing fire package and chandras pheonix, or Genesis if you find yourself with a lot of mana, or nether traitor (which would serve a dual purpose in making it so your opponent wont want to trade for some extra damage), what is the reason you run Gravecrawler?

Also have you considered running Dryad Arbor for an extra creature you can tutor out with a fetchland?
Also what is your sideboard plan?

Posted 07 January 2014 at 07:02 as a comment on Zombie Bombardment


yeah memnite and ornithopter are proving to be less than amazing. I was thinking of maybe putting those kobolds in instead then they can feed chrome mox and culling the weak.

As for working it into a list I would work slithermuse into a spanish inquisition list rather than a traditional ANT list anyways since I want to draw 7 every single time I evoke it or throw it under a culling the weak.

For the list you posted muse would be nearly ineffective when we would want to go off most of the time especially against things like affinity, you would depend on a t1 hurkyls recall as well as slithermuse which is why I'm focusing on going off asap like a maniac. At least thats my plan with it.

Posted 08 December 2013 at 06:34 in reply to #417589 on Ad Nauseum Muse


If anything if I knew my opponent was playing that kind of countermagic (as in I saw an island at all) I would play game 2 more carefully and make sure I can cabal therapy away what I need before I go off. Still need a good sideboard.
AS for keeping it legacy yes I am trying to keep it in that format. Less tendrils is probably a good idea, make room for more draw.
As for brainspoil, it's nice but I would not want to run another 5 cost spell since we are already as greedy as we can get with ad nauseum and our life.
AS for pact thats going into the board.

Posted 08 December 2013 at 06:31 in reply to #417592 on Ad Nauseum Muse


Sounds good to me

Posted 02 December 2013 at 21:25 in reply to #417121 on wdm: The Rock


Thats what I'm also wondering

Posted 01 December 2013 at 01:14 in reply to #416568 on THE YOKED OX CHALLENGE


ever consider batterskull in case you need to race other aggro decks?
Also your sideboard needs work. Otherwise, this is a fun as heck looking deck. Liked.

Posted 24 November 2013 at 05:56 as a comment on Modern Sword Control


Good idea
Thanks man

Posted 22 November 2013 at 16:30 in reply to #414518 on Grindy Aluren


I wanted my only way to win to be either yoked ox or doran, its a terrible decision but I thought it would be fun. Get good enough with the deck people start to hate yoked ox :P
I'll check out slagwurm armor, but I want to avoid changing the list for the competition. So after it's done I'll fix this hot mess up a bit.

Posted 21 November 2013 at 06:43 in reply to #413965 on Defense is Offence


Posted 16 November 2013 at 23:43 as a comment on THE YOKED OX CHALLENGE


oh wow maybe I should read the fucking card....
ok retooling time

Posted 29 October 2013 at 13:51 in reply to #405502 on Legacy Booberry


It acts as balustrade spy 5-8

Posted 23 October 2013 at 01:54 in reply to #405502 on Legacy Booberry


Maverick loves its little controlling effects. So far it seems like you have all the toolbox you need for some things but a good plan would be to move one gaddock teeg from sideboard to main so you can win g1 against things like omnitell and heavy control decks with even more ease. Turn 2 you can toolbox him out with your setup which is nice.
Would not bother with aether vial unless you plan on runnink karakas+mangara. It's incredibly superfluous in the board. Also no wastes in the main? Why is that?

Posted 04 October 2013 at 07:55 as a comment on [Legacy] 'Maverick' '-'


yeah, with a lot of decks like that it's great in a casual circle. However I notice more and more people actually want to play legacy in a semi-competitive environment using the known archetypes. I actually have a legacy deck that isn't budget by any means (Stax) and since I know how hard it is to actually break into the format I decided that I would try to recreate the well known archetypes of legacy using budget means, this one is one of the ones that breaks that mould only slightly with the inclusion of the teachings package but this is essentially a budget UW miracles list.
This list although around $100 is a strong list that with enough tweaking to your local meta can be a powerhouse, which is the goal of the on a budget series.

Posted 31 August 2013 at 18:44 in reply to #393269 on On a Budget, UW Control


this is budget for legacy
as in my goal was to build a legacy deck that could stand a snowballs chance in hell at winning a local legacy tournament or event on a budget
$100 is my budget for my on a budget series compared to the $500-$2000 range that many legacy decks have.

Posted 31 August 2013 at 18:00 in reply to #393269 on On a Budget, UW Control


didgeridoo is the only reason i run labyrinth minotaur at all, since I can cheat him in and the only artifact removal worth worrying about in Homelands draft is Joven and you can hate draft that.
I have 6 trade caravans because once again this is draft and I drafted 6 of them. The four card limit isnt a thing in draft. That and I also wanted to push myself to late game as early as possible because once again the quality of creatures in Homelands is not exactly the highest. So if I can just drop as many "accelerators" as I can then I can drop say an early Raksha or Ebony rhino which if I can drop it before some of the more controlling legendaries or good removal (retribution) I can go ham wild and seal the game before my opponent can do much.

Posted 25 August 2013 at 05:55 in reply to #391209 on Homelands Draft Deck


I would have, however the deck does depend on it's colors to get it started, an early reshape around turn 2 can get you that turn 3 combo, with urza lands that's impossible however the urza lands would propel this deck to be nearly unbeatable turn 4 because then you could play through remand and mana leak. That and now you have to devote slots to expedition map or some other land fetch spell that would make our combo work less efficiently. It's too much work for what this deck wants to do.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 02:10 in reply to #390898 on Egging up the Helix Pinnacle


this looks hilariously amazing to play

Posted 22 August 2013 at 01:01 as a comment on Black/Red + Bubbling Cauldron


you generate 6+ mana using lotus bloom, reshape into lotus bloom, ghost quarter eating up your own lands and krark clan ironworks making your artifacts into mana... Then you use open the vaults/faiths reward to bring them all back. Many spells and artifacts draw you cards, this gets you another open the vaults/faiths reward.
It makes a complex loop that has a different iteration each time, which means unlike other combo decks you have to play out each iteration of the loop.
Once you get down to 1 card in your deck you use your mana generation and one conjurers bauble to make infinite mana for helix pinnacle or just 20+ for banefire to the face.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 01:00 in reply to #390885 on Egging up the Helix Pinnacle


Finally rightous authority getting some love! Paired with the rev you got hot dang!
That and the misers illusory armor and indestructability are sure to make this a fun deck to pilot.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 00:50 as a comment on Post-Theros Hexproof


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