and if I didnt... Hilarity insues
i think i might need 5000 more revelations thonot enough value in this deck
this, this would be hilarious."hey, if your win con is beating me in the face its gonna be another 20+ turns. Im game for a waiting game."Lets make a rage quit
you die... Pretty much. If i wanted to make this more serious I would probably board in rule of law for combo. For mill... I would probably board in an emrakul just because that would be funny.No creatures? Well dang. Since I'm boarding in 5 cards for the whole "lets not die to combo or mill thing" I would probably board in stoneforge mystic, sensei's divining top, batterskull and sphinxes revelation for value.
I like what your doing here, however I think that this list is not optimized in the least.You have plenty of sacrifice outlets which is nice but you could probably cut down to one omniscience and one enter the infinite to make room for more protection for your combo. You could also probably run one blightsteel, and if you use blightsteel their really is no need for darksteel at all. While this looks good I would cut the list down quite a bit to add in brainstorms and counterspells to protect your combo. This thing will get butchered by disruption unless you get it off quickly, which means you might be able to replace the pearl medallion with chrome or diamond moxes. You can also cut down to one lightning greaves safely. This frees up tons of space for more disruption/protection/peices to get your combo out.Looks good so far.
If I where you I would put in some ghost quarters, your deck is basically immune to wasteland but you can with ghost quarter throw wrenches into your opponents plans pretty hard, and all you really need is two mountains to make this thing run correctly anyways. You could easily fir 3-4 of those in and it would make this deck even better positioned against what it could face. You could also run 2 valakuts to burn your opponent by just dropping lands. Like whats happening here though.
I know that man, Blue Jund refers to jund replacing red with blue. Someone who wrote an article on the blood braid elf banning in modern posted some decklists and referred to a BUG list as blue jund. I like the way it sounds so I just went with it.
thats hilarious! Might make something that can cause a total lockout with that.
wait, verduran enchantress is modern legal?that changes so much
im probably gonna have to switch off my plan to an aggro like strategy anyways. Since in testing so far its not working as well as I'd like
i forgot about worldslayer :O
dont mind me, I'll just forget invigorate isnt legal in modern
yeah, its hilarious when your swinging for 15+ every turn, imagine it on fencing ace.
Last game I played her I had a ring of thune and an elder cathar helping thalia pump out 6+ commander damage every turn. She had a strata scythe on her but then everyone at the table freaked out and every removal spell went off at once! It was hilarious.
it could either be darien, linvala, thalia, or odric. My personal favorites are thalia and odric. Since most of my friends play blue heavy decks I usually use thalia.
yeah thats exactly it!
i meant you played faiths reward, cast twincast, then sac. I know someone, nathan holiday, did this during the san diego gp and it worked because he stacked everything right.Let me see if I can find the link anywhere. But the list I based this off of is right here.
My idea was that you faiths reward, sac everything, twincast/reverberate, the copy goes off. Sac everything again and then use the original faith's reward. With this setup yeah it loses tons of consistency that I thought the reverberate would help. It didnt. Im probably gonna ditch this idea since someone already "solved" the problem with open the vaults.
I know, I just wanted to do my own take on it. I just like the idea of eggs and playing around with time spiral.
why run pacifism sideboard rather than o-ring?
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