you probably need 4 remands, you want to win before a remand becomes irrelevant and the card it draws is rediculously good for your tempo.Forked bolt is really slow for your game plan, you could probably go izzet charm on this, the only time it would be worse is when you need 2 damage to the face but its at the same time instant speed dig, kills heirarchs, mites, and cliques, and can keep twin in check.I would dump spellpierce from the main and go with another spell snare and vapor snag. Spell pierce is fantastic but only really good for your twin and affinity matchup, and you can just burn their faster drops and ignore or vapor snag their bigger drops. The good thing about spell snare is it takes care of goyf, helix, plating, remand (for the mirror), eidelon of the great revel, boros charm, deflecting palm, searing blaze, atarkas command, vault skirge, overseer, ensoul artifact, anticipate, snapcaster mage, summer bloom, pyroclasm, so many good spells in so many decks. You should probably also dump 2 steam vents for 2 more mountains or another fetch and a mountain since your mainboarding blood moon.
if your meta is control then dump go for the throat and jam more discard. You could probably get away with chittering rats also instead of typhoid rats. If you want to keep your list good against aggro after dumping the typhoid rats just jam some chalices and dump them on 0 and 2 boarding out the shade.
you could probably replace omenspeaker with ponder at the deck would still be just as budgettreasure cruise is also legal in this format and it's also cheap (last time I checked online you could buy it for less than 50 cents a piece). You could replace think twice with a card like brainstorm (which would only add $4 to this deck) or gitaxian probe (which would add around $5 to it's price) which would allow you to hit that "ancestral recall" mode of cruise. Spell pierce is better than dispel in this format (and would only add $4 to the price of the deck) since its mana efficient and can counter things like thoughtseize. You could also drop the other fabricate for another trinket mage since your only finding an artifact trinket mage could get to anyways and they both come down at sorcery speed. The only difference is that fabricate can't be killed off by spell pierce in a control or tempo matchup as well as trinket mage can chump a goyf/goblin.24 lands is probably too much for this list, you could probably take 2 out and make trinket mage a 4 of. Then you could take another 2 out to get some more card selection.
thats true, and in all honesty im thinking the solution to my twin matchup without gutting my grixis delver or affinity matchup may be in the sideboard. Since hindering light and spell snare can stop wear//tear and I can run torpor orb. I used to think meddling mage was great in that matchup then I died to beats.
bazaar not legal in legacy
Needs more herald of leshrac and zuran orb but otherwise looks fun
you should look up top control, might give you some more ideas since this list has many similarities
I have not actually, I should test that.
I wouldnt mind doing testing stuff when I'm not busy. Theory crafting is fun.
I like playing around wit rediculous concepts. Plus since I play on cockatrice I can test whatever the hell I want. Which is nice. You get some unexpected results. Like just how good steward of valeron is or that deprive is playable.
thats why 30 of the spells cost 2 or less, you want to eventually hit it but because you run such efficient spells you can afford to wait. Especially with efficient blockers like augur and snap. If you would rather not run it remand is another fantastic option
it can turn into hymn to tourach if your lucky :D
its just inefficient, would you rather deal 3 damage to someones face or play another dude that can do the same thing every turn? It's other modes while nice arnt exactly the best since if you want trample legion loyalist can do that. If you want a land then your going too slow and exploration would be better to do so if you wanted another land. Gaining life doesnt really happen in legacy until you already have lost because theirs an unanswerable batterskull/wurmcoil engine on the field.Also look up rushwood legate
If youve seen stompy lists before they usually abuse the hell out of resource denial. If you just want an aggro list then try to make it so you can dump your hand consistently. Your not goblins who can afford to wait a bit because no matter what piledriver is going to hurt.Bloodbraid elf although fantastic might be too slow for what your trying to do. Atarka's command is garbage for legacy as is brute force and any giant growth like effects unless your infect (since they now read +6/+6 for infect decks)so ask yourself, do you want balls to the wall "fuck your face" aggro or do you want something more along the lines of a traditional "stompy" list that plays value creatures early and resource denial stuff for the rest (a-la werewolf stompy and the like). Then go from their. Also dryad arbor is terrible for aggro lists. You should only use it for pod or GSZ shenanigans.
you would be better off with brainstorm over top for this list, unless you really like standstill but with such a spell heavy list standstill seems out of place and would probably warrant being replaced tooif you like top a ton you could try counterbalance over standstill so you can protect your dudes with very little investment.dark ritual also seems out of place in a list that runs standstill, maybe if you want to go the standstill direction replace this with lands that you can control your opponent with, like maze of ith. I like the idea but it seems like you have a lot of different ideas in one deck, sometimes it works out but this list seems like you need to pick one idea which I'm guessing is dropping an early dude and then protecting it. If thats the case then you should be packing things like sol lands, urborgs, counterbalance, mainboard thoughtseize or inquisition. etc.the question is then what exactly ARE you trying to do then? And is the way your doing it right now efficient?
I'm trying to avoid 1/1 pingers
Removing any creature with itself and vhatiIt's a mana efficient pinger and early game against powerful X/1 creatures (elves, noble hierarch, many goblins, bop, dark confidant, etc) As well as your idea it also blocks well and can kill 1/2 creatures it blocks. It's just a great creature, horribly underused.
oh yeah, derp :P
>Snapcaster Mage + SnapI love it! Untap 2 lands, tap for a ton of mana and then go nuts!I think that actually is infinite if you keep returning the snapcaster mage to your hand and have 4 mana with 2 lands, but you gain nothing but storm.
this is absolutely hilarious!If I lost to this I would just giggle hard.
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