reverberate lets you copy any instant/sorcery spell... increasing vengeance lets you only copy your own.. meaning you can copy their manaleak to manaleak their manaleak...
the mask is to prevent the dmg from spitter... hexprof doesn't help with that :) also the faith fetters helps as a pascifism, and a pitching needle in a tight spot... this deck was ment for casual multiplayer in a gruop where one of the players 9/10 times plays some aggro deck (goblins mostly) and it just dies to this...
snap caster is not a problem.. this was just an idea we had after oppening a few booster cases... snappy is currently in a delver deck (read the deck lists here: ) we haven't had a chance to actually play test this yet, so don't know if there's room for him since we only run 18 lands... having him would kinda force us to increase the amount of mana to 20-22 'ish since the cost for reusing the counterspells is increased to 5 converted..
valid point... (and he's only 4 mana?) good luck to you in tournaments, and let me know when you have worked out a sideboard
card draw... and to sabotage opposing ponders... quite cool in the mirror having them setting up for their own delver and just though scour them... atm im considering trying out redirect for sideboard... and also considering mental misstep mainboard...
have you also considered Vampire Nocturnus ? maybe as a 1-off instead of ? (though i love vexing devil i might try cutting to 3 and see how it plays with nocturnus...) also have a look at my R/U delver :)
-1 swamp -1 mountain + cavern of souls... know its expensive... i might also try switching the vamp fury with sign in blood for card draw... dont know if this helps at all :-/
seems solid... had any chance to try it out? anyway... not sure how it would work out, (or if it has been a problem for you) card draw. either that human that lets you draw extra card for 1 mana, or; Descendants' Path... the path lets you more or less draw 2 cards a turn, as long as you draw a creature... othervise it just goes on the bottom of your library and gives you your normal card draw... (yes it sux when ou really need to top draw your oblivion rings or land in order to stay on the game) and i think it was already surgested; gavony township for counters... :)
in that case welcome to the world of magic. :) whit a mana curve like yours, i'd suggest you play with 22-24 lands in your main deck. also i would favor white mana over blue, due to the occurrences of mana sybols. after that. try and focus on the cards you prefer the most compared to less used cards (which cards do you rather want to draw?) and add more copies of thoose, take out the less wanted ones. having more of the cards you actually play/need increases your chances of drawing them and makes your deck more consistent.
17 land is a bit low even for the low cost of everything... contested war zone could be an option though it has the slight drawback of being "contested"... one thing i have been meaning to try out myself is the addition of ghost quarter... its an extra land, though colourless it serves multiple purposes 1. it serves the basic function of adding mana.. 2. it serves as a removal to non-basic lands, like moorland haunt, kessig, nephelia, inkmoth... 3. it serves as a decktrimmer and fetchland - yes it is by far as powerfull as the zendikar/onslaught fetchlands, but its the current one there is in standard, the basic land you search for comes into play untapped... another land that might fill the last 2-3 spots; rootbound crag... this one opens up for sideboard material like ancient grudge.. (well it helps with the flashback anyway...) otherwise Evolving wilds will be back with Dark Ascension...
flashback of unburial`?
you can have 4 of them in the deck, but only one in play at a time... also i wouldn't advice on copying either dark depts or merit lage with the vesuvans... they are both legendary and the original and the copy will both be send to the graveyard
old fogey approves
1. you are only allowed to have 4 of any card except basic lands. Dragonskull summit is not a basic land, so you can only have 4.. sry... 2. you should try to minimize your deck size to 60 cards mainboard... 3. lightning elemental, though budget freindly, doenst help the rest of your deck that much.. imo Hero of oxidridge is a much better choice... hope this helps a bit
maybe then i've just been lucky... to me its more or less a win/win... 3 cards or 5 dmg...
seems like standard to me : / i might add some equipment/enchantments that benefits from dealing combat dmg; swords mostly... Feast and Famine or body and mind to provide targets for your Surgical's...
browbeat for draw...
made a few changes...
see your point on garruk, psychic barrier; i think its usefull... its hardcounter, and 75% of my lands produce blue mana... SE: oops... i'll take one out.. (tbh i didnt see that i had 5 of them total : / )
wha? she's awesome... she kills illusions, and most other weenies, else she mindcontrols them... she should more or less be mindboard imo...
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