nice collection... maybe a single sun titan as heavy hitter (imprint on mimic vat as well) for retreivel of your allies since most of them cost 3 or less.. also a way to get your terramorphic expanse back for reuse...
not sure how i feel about slagstorm, but i will look into reverberate... thnx
condemned instead of pitfall trap?
well there's the arid mesa instead of scalding tarn...
i think gideon jura would fit nicely in there...
got room for Kinsbaile Cavalier ? :)
wouldn't say its a guaranteed turn3 win... even if you go first, opponent still has 2 turns to counter your aggressiveness.. which (at least in my meta) is something they have prepared for, since there are quite a few speedy aggro decks...
if the choice is between mind rot and duress/Inq of koz, i would go for the last to... they are 1-drops, and lets you peak at opponents hand...
for sideboard ofcourse
you might want to look into an answer to anti mill cards such as the more powerfull eldrazi's... layline of the void might be a card to look into...
added a mox opal (instead of a mountain...reduces the land count to 20, and gives potential a turn 2 win with the right hand and a good first draw...
i agree with the mox opal, i just got one myself for my std gobs... but not sure i would sac the mox for rebirth, since it could allow a 2nd signal pest and a kicked bushwhacker turn 2... proberbly depends on what you have in hand...
revoke existense, phyraxien revoker, condemn...
one card that would be fun to have (though not legal) would be the holiday card "Evil presents" :P give a vatmother to your oppenent and have it attack him, including the extra poisencounter he gets from the upkeep...
would love to spice it up with a few more fetchlands, and perhaps 1-2 mox... and maybe a koth of the hammer in sideboard...
as stated for a forum thread... :)
ok, made some small adjustments: - 2 Lord of the undead +2 undead warcheif - 3 bonedancers +1 Urborg
awesome.. and welcome back to the top of the list :P (for a minute i thought it was a bug only seeing one of your deck on the top list, and a couple of places down... :D) dont know what i would hate to play against most... main deck or main deck after sideboard oO think i would go with the "lets draw and go grab a pizza instead, my treat..."
really nice goblin deck! dont know what to suggest really... maybe some lightning bolts, and goblin wardriver or bushwhacker, but really this seems strong just the way it is... speacily for mono-red - then theres always the option of mixing with black... :) for the thread on forums :)
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