thanks man
I'm trying to keep mana curve to a minimum but it is a good card. Thanks for the input.
I thought so too ;). Thanks for the comment.
I'm guessing he is trying to keep it standard which would be a bad idea to add in Dark Ritual. It is a great card but is not standard. I'm not too fond of Heartless summoning decks but it can work out well for others if that's their play style. If you have a chance please check out and comment on my new decks:
All of those suggestions are good, but does not fit my mass flickering, although Conjurer's Closet would be a nice addition. Thanks for the input and +1 if you like :)
Thanks for the inputs so far guys, I am trying to keep it budget but still competitive thats why there is no Jace, and Syncopate is nothing like dissipate and there is no way I would replace it. Sands is a good card but with my mana that I have set for this deck is doesnt fit with it.
Hey Poet, sorry but there is no instant messaging or direct contact on this site but I wanted to ask your advice on a deck idea. I want to create a Bruna Enchant Control deck that uses her as the main win condition but can also protect her. I really like her as a whole for a card and was thinking the other day about making a deck but im not sure if I can afford to make it a 3 or 4 color deck and which colors to specificly use. If you have any ideas please let me know. Some of the cards I really want to keep in the idea of this deck are Dramatic Rescue and Righteous Authority. Here is a link to the dual color Bruna experiment deck I made and hope you can shed some light on it for me.
i would wait honestly because when GC comes out you'll be able to tweak your bant to make it that much better.
Hey man, I would drop 1 Rancor and add a second Sigarda. You have enough enchants to let one go and having a second Sigarda would help. Other than that it looks good. Check out my new idea for Bruna Control:
Turn 4-5 Avacyn with Sigarda on the board already allows you to sweep and have a huge advantage. Imagine Loxodon with Rancor's and Ethereal. Can't be countered, can't be sacrificed, can't be destroyed. How bad of a late game it that when you just sweeped with Supreme Verdict and are the only one with creatures left? I'd say this deck would have the upper hand in quite a few situations.
Imagine turn 4 with 5-6 creatures on the play field on your side. Play Battle Hymn for enough mana to cast Burn at the Stake, tap 4-5 of those creatures for 12-15 damage then cast Reverberate and that's the game. If you dont have BatS in your hand then the same concept goes for Devil's Play and Reverberate.
Replace Unsummon with Cyclonic Rift because CR has eveything Unsummon will never have. You have more than enough draw, take out Augur and put in Delver of Secret. If you are willing to risk running Rewind with it's mana cost I would recommend replacing it with 2 more dissipates or Negate's. Just some ideas to throw your way. Runechanter's would work better in a self mill sorcery deck and I suggested CR because that will be your only full sweep would allow you to do any damage, otherwise your creatures are kinda weak. Here is my Self Mill token sorcery combo deck that might give you a few ideas:
Thanks for the input and Farseek fits in there perfectly!
Went ahead and switched the two and hopefully I can try it out myself this week.
Thanks mate. Glad it did well for ya. I can see the Somberwald helping so more power to ya!
I would drop Diregraf, add some Wild Guess to main deck, and maybe a couple of demonic taskmasters to main deck as well. If you get a chance please check out my R/W/U Gisela Token deck:
Thanks for the input, I will see what I can do. As for your posted deck I was one of the first to comment :)
I really like what you got going on here. Only thing I have to suggest is maybe adding Planar Cleansing. Works perfect with exiling your own creatures and works better than Supreme Verdict because it will take out your O-rings. Just an idea. If you can please check out my revised R/W Gisela Token deck:
Unruly Mob is hit and miss in my opinion. Cathars' Crusade is good but is also quite expensive for what im trying to do here and I see this deck performing faster that it would be worth it to add Cathars' Crusade. But why do I have Gisela, right? She is an absolute finisher for this deck. Once she is out my tokens become rediculously strong and defensive. But by that time I would hope to have burned my opponent down with Guttersnipe anyways. Thanks for your input, it is very appreciated.
It could but then I'd be taking away from token generators and guttersnipe at the same time and that is a BIG basis of this deck. Dont get me wrong I agree it could work wonders but im just not feeling it.
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