thanks :) i have to try them out
mucho gracias
i figured it like this, turn 1 dagger turn 2 blighted turn 3 equip + mutagenic infect for 6 turn 4 attack again infect for 4
Check out my mono white tokens, havent had one problem in FNM, im actually one of the top 5 in the last month of 40+. Also check out my other decks for ideas!
Acidic slime is good but also expensive as all hell, I like the 2 mana cost for the same thing almost. But thank you for the suggestion.
Yea G/W is one of my favorite combo of colors. It's not too expensive and I think it could be very reliable.
With Darksteel Plate on any creature, Day of Judgment does not affect them since they are indestructible.
It works really well, I have gone about 20-2 in the last month only losing to an insane B/W token deck twice.
And a lot of what he said was very helpful, I would take into consideration a few things if I were you.
I took alot of what everyone has said into consideration and to me this looks pretty solid with alot of different combos and different perks here and there.
I hear ya, ill check out the inkmoth's. Not sure ill like them, just not my playstyle.
removed Huntmaster, but still wanted some damage in there, so put in brimstone volley, i really dont like to add more mana then required.
honestly i have been about 50/50 with pure aggro decks, if my starting hand is good and i mill well which is usually the case anyways, i can stomp them turn 4 or 5
i dont have any currently available so i put in those but i will switch them out when i can get ahold of some
thanks alot, i will have to look into it more and will definitely take this all into consideration. :)
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