thank you for the advice though, it is very appreciated
I think i have enough draw for now, devils play is nice but with the x cost it is hard to play with already having epic experiment as my main dishing out of sorcery and instant cards
Thanks for the advice, unfortunately twincast is not standard. But here are the changes I have made: -1 Counterflux -1 Pillar of Flame +2 Reverberate
I replaced cancel's with dissapate. I like Jace's Phantasm but adding him into the deck will add to the creature count and I think it will be a little much. Especially for how much this deck relies on instant and sorcery spells.
I really like what you have going here, only ideas I will give to you is maybe add 1 more land and look into getting Delver of Secrets if you want 1 mana drops like to told Aliski. Delver is really reliable and really handy. Take a look at the following deck for ideas. And thank you for posting on my Burn at the Stake deck.
Lhurgoyf is a very nice card but it is not in standard. Thanks for the suggestion!
The only problem with Chronic Flooding is getting it out the second turn if I even have it. If I dont then it basically sits in my deck being useless. I see what you are saying but I just see it not being as useful in this deck as it could be in others. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone! Check out my R Burn at the Stakes deck, it's about to hit Top Decks hopefully!!!
This is a reply to Jestrix, having reverberate in there adds another tactic from my perspective atleast. say they counter your fling, copy it and counter their counter. Heres another scenerio: you fling, they murder, then you fling the same target. play it through per the stack and you come out on top essentially. I get what you are saying though. Thank for all the comments and feedback so far guys! I would really like to see this deck make the Top Decks!
thanks for the input, i have tested this deck and have yet to have any mana issues but i will definitely consider it if i start running into problems. and augur im not really worried about i think i have enough draw already and that might slow me down or even over-do the drawing by a tad. thanks for the comment! :)
I have a similar deck like yours but I think you should take a look at mine and see what exactly you could be doing better yourself. Im not bragging im just giving you some different views of a similar deck.
This is a deck for standardized play, but thanks for the suggestions otherwise.
Very true. Especially since fling would be a high priority for a counter or even a murder.
Thanks for the insight man, I will definitely work reverberate into it somehow. Hoping this deck does me well in the future :)
Hey Poet, I am and always will be a fan of Killing Wave. The countless times I have had an epic game changing play with it I will never forget. I think it is a necessity in this deck and I would be sad to see it get replaced. If you get a chance please comment on my 2 new standard decks!
I agree completely but only thing I could see myself dropping is Heartless Summoning which can prove pretty useful at times. Thanks for the advice! :)
In its first stage it was entirely white and was going to stay white. the reason isolate chapels were in the was for lingering souls flashback and Vault
Thank you, I'm glad someone agrees with me :)
Cavern of souls would be a great addition to prevent counters and its multi-color land possibilities. Other than that I would lean more towards the aggro aspect of spirits then the enchantments. Possible additions include: Drogskol Reaver, Latch Seeker, Niblis of the Urn, and Geist of Saint Traft. Lastly, dont worry about adding multi/single color lands for Lingering Souls flashback, with these additions you wouldnt need it anymore. If you have any questions or concerns let me know.
First, Bonfire of the Damned is not worth it since you are playing an aggro deck. Second, Silverheart is on the expensive side and can be countered easily nowadays. Third, Huntmaster is meant to be flipped continuously, which is why he is not in this deck and your statement of having 4 Immerwolves makes it almost impossible to flip him enough to add him to the deck even being worth it. Forth, Ranger is "ok" at best. I perfer not to waste space with him. Lastly, I use Fog for the chance that I face another werewolf deck and have no defenses against it other than Fog itself. Please if you are going to make suggestions please be educated on what exactly you are suggesting. All of your points were lackluster at best.
I see what you are saying with Sign for Bump, but having Killing Wave in there if there is even one Blood Artist on the field then it could be an epic turn of events. Thanks for the advice.
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