Again, thank you for the feedback. I love to have discussions about decks. So one thing I noticed about the cards you suggest and the advice you gave, is that you're thinking of a more optimal way to play the deck. It seems that you're thinking in a mindset of how to get Dakkon to kill players as fast as possible with an unblockable attack or two, all while keeping him safe with counter magic and kill spells. This is definitely quite an aggressive and optimal way to play him, and I know this from experience. You see, this isn't my first go at a Dakkon Blackblade deck (I have been playing this game for many years, as well as have many many decks hidden from public on my profile :p). My first ever version of him was a control/ land ramp build, with a few basic draw engines to get land faster. It worked great, but felt like it lacked flavour. My play group is also very good. The majority of us having a vast knowledge of the game's rules and massive card pool. We don't play with a ban list, nor do we play with commander damage as a win condition. You'd be surprised at what these two house rules have done for the dynamic of deck construction between the players. Games last longer and have way more interactions (which we like, but may not be for everyone), decks aren't made just to win via commander damage (like almost all edh decks are nowadays it seems), none of our decks are staple-ridden mirrored decks that function solely on top, scroll rack, and land destruction via strip mine and it's brothers. Our decks are built with the idea of being unique and functional, instead of the mess that the competitive EDH community has created by implying all decks need top, scroll rack, strip mine (and brothers), fetchlands (including the ones that aren't both of your colours just so you can fetch that basic land for 1 life), dual lands, and many more. Now by no means am I saying that you are trying to tell me that I need all of those silly expensive staples in every deck, or am I trying to say that you are wrong, or even dismiss the advice you have given me (because I actually do appreciate and agree with it). I am however, trying to say that if every deck is geared towards winning via commander damage (like they all seem to be), and protecting the commander with counter magic and kill spells, then what is the point of making a new commander deck... ever? There isn't, because they will all just be same decks in the end using different coloured pieces of paper to play. To me, that is a slap in the face to the game of Magic where there are so many ways to play and so many other cards out there that can be paired together to create just as effective and fun decks to play.
I'll get back to you for my reply. Read this on mobile. Great feedback and thank you for the time to write it out. Keep posted for my reply :) thanks!
Yes I am, all 3, and lesser ones.
i see what you're saying! i will add him back in then. :) almost completed the deck in real life too! just need the titans, but i bought a box of modern masters 2, in hopes to pull at least 1 before i buy the singles.
I thought of adding it in, I just don't have much opportunity for no maximum hand size. Mind explaexplaining why it's a game winner? I may put it back in.
i see what you're saying. ill add ugin in.the eldrazi are not more-win. the eldrazi go with jhoira like spaghetti go with meat balls. that's the base of a jhoira EDH imo. what blue and red fatties are there? not many. that's green and colorless's department.
I moved her to the sideboard now.Explain why Ugin & Karn would be beneficial to the deck? I like them as cards, but find them a little on the more-win group doesn't use a ban list. no reason to. :)
rite of replication ?
i don't know man. knight errant is pretty over powered. i run her in my green/ white soldier token deck. actually all three elspeths, check the deck out if you'd like knight errant is fairly easy to protect since both of her minor abilities are +1. sure she only gives 1 soldier, but +3/+3 and flying ? that's giant growth and possibly can't be blocked by the opponent. she's good haha.
Perhaps Intangible Virtue over Honor of the Pure. Your other creatures won't get the bonus, but in your How To Play section it says "Make Tokens. Pump them Up. Kill." so this deck is obviously token focused. If your tokens have vigilance you can mass swing and still are able to block next turn.If you don't like the idea of Intangible Virtue, I would suggest adding a Serra's Blessing or two to add the vigilance.Ever consider True Conviction or Akroma's Memorial for that cherry on top ? They're a nice addition to just smile at your opponent while they give you the finger lol.
you mad or something guy ? did i say it belongs in every deck ? i don't believe i did, however ... i do believe we are discussing THIS deck. again, all the cards you just mentioned i can use your logic on: "X card sucks because it can be beaten by Y card so don't put it in your deck.".naturalize > assemble the legiondoomblade > young pyromancerdoomblade > precicnt captaindoomblade > brimazdreadbore/ hero's downfall > elspethdreadbore/ hero's downfall > Xenegos planeswalkermurder > pack rat
Oh so you're one of those people that say a card sucks based on a single situation, ah okay. drakeraenes is correct. Haste, can't be countered, and has potential to be a massive creature if played correctly. You can't say a card is only good for one use or sucks all together just because you can say that the opponent can kill it. Like this: Elspeth sucks, you shouldn't have it in your main deck because someone could use Hero's Downfall or Dreadbore.
lol, you don't know what you're talking about if you think that Mistcutter is only viable when playing against blue.
Updated to multicolour.
Indeed. The Command's are prove to be very useful as they can help in many different situations. Glad to see my idea put to use. :)
Perhaps Primal Command for life, search, and a little bit of utility. Or Eladamri's Call to search for whatever creature.
then name it something about flipping someone the bird lol.
What is it's theme ?That's the problem with un-themed/ non-tribal decks that are just powerhouse cards thrown together that themed/ tribal decks don't have.What is your main win-condition combo ? Name it that. :)
No definitely, the Archetype is great with Stormtide Leviation.
High Tide will help play your monsters quicker.You definitely have some creatures you can take out to add x4 High Tide. This will increase your chance of drawing better creatures as well.
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