This is a very scary deck haha. All five swords !! I wish I had at least one of those. Perhaps Silverblade Paladin though ? He makes a nice addition to a deck. Good early game creature and an even better utility late game with one of your strong angels.
Great distraction from life ? I agree. :)
I like your style. I will check out your decks. :D Thanks for all the tips haha.
Fixed ! That makes sense. The Divine Deflection is a good card, but I guess Holy Day and Ghost Prison are more important.
-2 Ghostly Prison+2 Isochron Scepter.
Why do you ask tho ? Are my decks not good ? :P I try haha, and have them in real life as well. I'm not one of those people who make 2,000$ decks haha.
I've been playing for a few years. I play casual with my friends. 7 or 8 years ago I was taught how to play, but didn't get into it until 3 - 4 years ago.
Good idea. Thanks :).Junk has the meanest life gain IMO.
Not a bad idea. I'll have to talk to my girl about that. I think she said something about wanting to make it a Blue/ White Angel deck, but for now it's still mono white.She gets to play lots of angels eventually, but yea they do take a while to play. Thankfully she gets enough life to last long enough to get the angels out. But Holy Day is a good idea, the only thing about it I don't like, is that it is combat damage only. So burn spells will bypass this. The big point of this deck is to lock down your opponent and spawn 4/4 Angels with Luminarch Ascension.
My buddy uses x2 Parallel Lives and x2 Growing Ranks for his wolves, it's deadly haha. Worship has made me unkillable on numerous occasions, so it stays. But I took out Murder Investigation and Oblivion Ring for x2 Parallel Lives. Thanks for the comment :)
deathgodkira know's what's up ! ;)It's a cheap high damage creature that synergies well with burn yes, but isn't only meant for burn. He would suit very well in the deck for the exact reason that deathgodkira said. I ran him in my Grixis beatdown and when he came out on turn 3 or 4 it was good game.
Silly Standard people. Come to Legacy & Vintage where you could add a Greater Auramancy to the deck and not have to worry about people removing your enchantments.
VintageFTW: "I've watched hours of competitive Modern Magic."Gfreeman: "I play modern ALOT"Hm, I wonder which is more credible when it comes to experience ... Watching or playing Magic. Sorry for hassling you, but you gotta see the other side of this, and that is that your splash blue will only slow this deck down. You've got 3 Snapcasters that are taking up precious space. Zoo decks are fast and cut-throat. Snapcaster isn't either of those; he's a utility.
How about Rakdos, Lord of Riots ? Cheap and powerful.
Now that's a zoo deck.
Well Gfreeman makes a very good point. It is your deck, but the logic you are exercising just isn't there. Sorry doode, but sometimes your opinion (no matter how much you think it is) isn't the right answer. The point of putting a deck on this website and being able to comment on them is so people can critic them and give advice. If you shut down all advice like that, then don't post decks.
Nice to see a deck that isn't spamming Tarmogoyf.
-4 Disembowel+4 Go for the Throat -OR- Terminate-2 Journeyer's Kite+2 Ponder -OR- Counterspell/ Cancel-2 Infernal Tutor+2 Diabolic TutorThat's all my advice, but I've got some suggestions that you may like.Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood = 1 hit kill. Rakdos's Return is a fun one, but Cruel Ultimatum is just as fun. Stab Wound is just a piss off and will do a lot of damage to most decks.Elder Mastery is a nice way to top off a big creature and smile while your opponent flips you the bird.Baleful Strix. Low mana, good defensive-killer and will help you draw early game.That's all I can think of for now haha.
This guy... Man, the curve is just too much. Listen to these other guys. Highly suggested to remove the blue.
What about Gideon's Avenger? Cheap creature that gets strong fast and early with this kind of deck.
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