Yay. Mind checking out my vampire deck ? :)http://www.mtgvault.com/mcjordalini/decks/nocturnal-majesty/
It's best in a monoblack deck. Check out my vampire deck for an idea.http://www.mtgvault.com/mcjordalini/decks/nocturnal-majesty/
Good to hear it did well !
Just hope my suggestion is taken for once lol.
Merciless Eviction. Hexproof only protects against being the target of a spell or ability.
Why not remove the Birds to add some Naturalizes, or Crushing Vines, etc. This deck is good, but can be locked down very easily with Artifacts/ Enchantments. - 3 Birds of Paradise+ 1 Crushing Vines+ 2 Naturalize ?? Just a suggestion.
There's a problem with this tho: "Whenever a player taps a land for mana" ... That gives your opponent a huge advantage. Sure you get to drop some scary hydras, but they can also easily counter/ remove them with the mana boost from Zhur-Taa Ancient.
Cool deck. I always wanted to make a Red/White burn deck. I might use your idea of spawning tokens. :)Mind checking out a couple of my decks ?Red/White:http://www.mtgvault.com/mcjordalini/decks/silence-burn/Esper:http://www.mtgvault.com/mcjordalini/decks/sunblast-assassin/
Ahh, you're one of those Standard guys haha. :pOh well, good luck !Mind checking out my Sunblast Angel deck ?http://www.mtgvault.com/mcjordalini/decks/sunblast-assassin/
Needs more Primordial Hydra.Also, if you're running Green/Red, might I suggest looking at Protean Hydra and Lightning Bolt combo'd together ? It can create a scary monster fast.
Well, to answer your question; lots of people would put useless cards into a deck. Why ? Because they are new to playing MTG, and thus being new to building a deck of their own from scratch. OR because they don't have the physical cards that are required to complete the deck and need filler in the deck to play it because they don't use proxies.
I think adding red will reduce the potency of the deck. When adding colours to a deck, its a good idea for the colour to have a purpose other than just having the same mechanic (in this case, heroic).
Doode, it's a commander deck. A lot of a commander deck is made up of filler cards that are usually "useless".
Actually it is an issue of personal preference. Because everyone's play group is different. The guy says he doesn't need those cards because his play group doesn't play in a way to make him need them. I don't put a lot of Artifact/ Enchantment removal in my decks because my play group isn't so focused on those. Does that make my deck bad ? Against some, yes ... Against my friends ? Not until they decide to build something to counter me.
Or Jhoira, but you'd have to add blue. You would just suspend Woldfire the first turn you can with her, then on the next turn, you suspend Near Death Experience. Worldfire comes into play and blows everything up, but then Near Death comes into play and you win instant. They have no mana, creatures, no anything.
Might I suggest making something like Jackal Pup indestructible with the white card Indestructible so that you win faster ?
so meta ^ Let him play the way he wants doode.edit: not you ahelmer, that is directed at JaceTheMindSculptor
boros garrison ?
Worship would work wonders in this deck with Fortune Thief. Consider adding a Lich's Mirror as a plan B ?
No problem ! Sorry for the bad advice then. I don't play Standard ... Vintage and good ol' kitchen table magic is how I roll. Good luck ! :)
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