Gotcha, you have any problems with mono red or any other aggro decks? Seems like it can be pretty shakey to stabilize against them with the small amount of early interaction you have.
Alright that's fair. I do like the tech of Wayfinders to help hit your land drops and make your delve cards cheaper... :3 I'm surprised you have the garruk and kioras in the deck, how have those been working out?
Why no dissolve's in the main deck? You don't seem to have many ways to counter early threats and are leaning too heavily on bile blight, which can be a really awkward card to try to be casting on the early turns if you don't consistently get BB. Also is there any reason why you don't have Pearl Lake Ancient in your main or sideboard?
Thanks! Any suggestions for it? :3
Nice! I'm honestly considering trying this deck out myself, I've been wanting to use the best midrange cards in Mardu for modern, so this deck is a pretty good reference for a start, thanks! :D
Updated the list and board for glittering wish, now have a lot more options to fetch in board with the wish.
Gotcha, well let me know how testing for this deck goes, I'm really curious now! :D
Right and it honestly does seem like your blood moons are making your deck worse, but I haven't tested with them. How have they been for you main board?
Probably adding more lands would be a great idea, I would take out the Fists of the Demigod for a 4x split between graven cairns and cascade bluffs. Probably more graven cairns. :3
Seems like the mana base might be a problem, but only because of the mutavaults. Are you able to cast your double black and red spells easily enough even with the three colorless producing lands? Also have you considered Graven Cairns? Seems good in this deck considering you cast a lot of color mana intensive spells.
Anyone have any suggestions for this deck? It's already absurd as is but I could always use suggestions... :3
Ah yeah that's true. Search does seem pretty good in here with a suspend on turn one.
Have you considered lotus cobra since you are running fetches? He might be better than explore since you are trying to pump out fatties as quick as possible... :3
You should consider Mutagenic Growth and Apostles Blessing, both are good, near free spells that can help protect your mentor and help you go off with it faster. :3
Honestly since we have Modern Masters 2015 right around the corner, I would wait to see if it gets reprinted, so it may be cheaper then. Since you are budget it may not be completely worth it right now, but if it is reprinted I would say 1-2 of it would be decent.
Right, Dread Return is an amazing card and I'm not surprised they did not take it off the banned list. Great speculation though, I can see it skyrocketing in price after the modern PT in February 6-8, great call!
Alright I've adjusted some of the numbers mainboard and sideboard, put my extra shriekmaw into the main, added hate against junk/jund and burn/affinity, hopefully the deck will be smoothed out more once the next major event comes around.
No prob, have fun with the deck!
Right, it is also a meta based decision, so 3 pillars make a lot of sense against bloodghast and bloodsoaked champion. :3
No prob happy to help!
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