Have you considered training grounds? Seems pretty good at making the untap cards absurd at the very least. :3
No trust me, I have played a deck like this for my entire tournament level magic career, it is not a good creature for burn. If you aren't winning by the time you get to 5 lands you are either flooding or not building the deck right. It's up to you, I am just giving you advice based upon past experience and deck building skills.
How does this deck win again? Isn't it by getting balustrade spy into play, milling your library and returning angel of glories rise and then drawing a card with lab maniac?
The Rack and Shrieking Affliction are both cards I would run over your current enchantments, I would also consider wrench mind/Hymn to Tourach (if you don't care about being modern legal), duress, inquisition of kozilek, raven's crime and thoughtseize depending on how competitive this is supposed to be. Ensnaring bridge is pretty good in a deck that likes to empty it's hand as well. :3
All of these counterspells seem really awkward to be hitting off of Jeleva, how have they worked out for you?
This deck is begging to play goblin rabblemasters! Also peak eruption and searing blood seem alright in the board, but I would consider eidolon of the great revel in their spots!
I would probably put some cards in the sideboard like duress and negates for control match ups, bile blight and drown in sorrow for the red decks in the format, possibly Virulent Plague against the token decks.
Oh yeah? Any way I can get the elf ball list? I'm interested now... :3
http://www.mtgvault.com/maumau17/decks/boros-burn-back-to-basics/Here is a list for reference, really like the green splash for this deck... :3
Yeah, two mana hunt the weak seems pretty strong in the deck. :3
Alright that's fair, just was curious about the reasoning behind it. You take this to any tournaments yet?
Honestly I am not even close to building this right now, I just wanted to set this up so I could eventually build it. My meta is not cutthroat at all, but I have a friend who runs a similar Erebos deck and even against my competitive EDH decks (Tasigur, Alesha, both in my decks list) can give me a run for my money and often win because of how much mana it produces. Any suggestions on ways I can improve the list?
Yeah I'd say the deck looks pretty good now, depending on what you want to do with it! Do you plan on taking this to FNM's? Or is this a casual modern brew? :3
No problem, glad I could be of help I guess!
Must have missed that, sorry. XP Playing God's Willing over the rebound protection spell because of mana efficiency I take it?
That's one of the reason's I was drawn to mono black as opposed to any of the other mono colored decks, and I just like the idea of not playing blue right now, since all I play these days is green blue decks in edh... XD
Why the ranger of Eos? Help with getting seer/dorks?
I do agree with larkfellon, Chord of Calling is great on it's own, Congregation only helps you find the combo, making Chord a better card to put in the deck since it can help you find a silver bullet you need at the time, or the winning piece of your combo and put it into play instead of on top of the library. List seems pretty sweet right now as is... :3
Is lightning rift a possibility for your deck as an alternate win condition?
Your deck needs cranial plating so badly, it'd help your draws become more explosive! Maybe some springleaf drums to help power out your creatures faster as well... :3
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