with so many planeswalkers, you should put in prolifarate of some kind, if youre already going to put a morgage on your house for this deck, i would go with Contagion Engine
i would put in fiery hellhound, he isnt a goblin, but he works great with goblin tunneler (first, make him unblockable, and then make him stonger)
if ur deck is based around a certin card, i would recomend a way of drawing him like diabolic tutor
put in paladium myr, you need him for the combo, otherwise you need 2 myrs on the battle field for the combo...
Ikiral Outrider is worthless thats first. second your mana curve is weird, i would put in 4 salvage scouts. origin spellbomb is also kinda useless in a deck like this, use it in a myr deck with myrsmith and myr galvenizer. kabira crossroad is a tapped plains that doesnt help you because your not life gain. demystify isn't standard legal.... other than that, i just dont really understand what ur deck is trying to do..... good luck
very nice deck, I would remove the ceradle of vitality though. I myself have a life gain deck with cradle so I know when it works well and when it doesnt. Your deck is small life gain, meaning 1 life at a time (like soul sisters and angels feather) so you pay 2 mana for 1 +1/+1 counter, which is too much in my opinion. The cradle is used for big life gain (angel's mercy, whitesun's passage and big creature with lifelink) so you can really pump up your creatures. Lone missionary, serra ascendant and elsepth are the only cards i see that can give you more than 1 life at a time, so I recomend you put armored ascension insted. btw, I used cradle once to get a 28/29 goldenglow moth (2boon reflections + angels mercy) XD
you cant make a deck like this.... it will suck balls. if you still want to do womething like this. Get Thrumming Stone, it will own in this deck. doom blade is always good. after you put on Thrumming Stone, you can use damnation, and then put 5 or 6 rats and own. as always, this deck is only for fun, cause of memoricde and other stuff
Ive seen the Trigon of infestation in work as well as Vector asp, and there pretty bad... they don't work with Hand of the Praetors and the Trigon has a high mana cost. Also Giant growth is pretty necessary here. The Ichor Rats are kinda bad in my opinion, because they are 2/1. Trigon of rage, even when your not red, can be great with infect
I would suggest Overwhelming Stampede rather than might of the masses, as long as you have 1 bomb on the battle field (or just a creature with 4+ power) it can be great. Also, you should put Oran-Rief, the Vastwood in, its a great land if you have fast mana. One more thing, Khalni Hydra would be great in a deck like this.
this is a good deck, but in my opinion, you have to lower your mana curve, and your first few turns you have nothing to do but counter spells.... making this deck not so efficient...
what about chandra's outrage and fireball, not to mention comet storm
I'd put 4 diabolic tutors to help you draw that necroskitter
goldenglow moth is life gain theme, so i think its unnecessary. and kazandu blademaster is an ally, and worthless in an non ally deck. I would suggest putting in safe passage or brave the elements to protect your creatures in case you face something nasty. And maybe Inspired charge, could be a nice win condition. I would also suggest Knight of Cliffhaven, he is a leveler with vigilance. good luck with your deck
since you have no creatures, fight to the death is useless. I would suggest day of judgement as a replacement. Furthermore, Silence can work pretty nicely here to stay alive. But overall, nice deck =D
for the deck itself, well it needs more creatures and cant really stand in the late game... as for cuteness, great job :) other than the mine excavation, everything is pretty damn cute
try putting diabolic tutor in there so you can draw marrow-gnawer. also a doom blade could be nice but not mandatory :) also coat of arms might be better than door of destiny.
nice deck, all i have to say that the mana curve is pretty strange... it's pretty bad against haste deck because at the best case that you have transcendent master in your hand, you'll have him out by turn 3, and I don't think you'll want to defend with him (you'll want to level him up). but late game, this deck is great
multicolored land like marsh flats and mesa in mono decks are quite stupid, there are for finding either one of a basic land in a multicolored deck, in case that you are running low on a specific land. in this deck, you are shuffling you're deck and paying 1 life for nothing. In my opinion, those should be normal plains.
Cradle of vitality and boon reflection are great together, and the can really pump up you're 4/4 angels with flying. also instead of pacifism, you can put recumbent bliss.
thanks, noted iv'e put in some of your suggestions, the only thing disagree on, is the lands. i put some in but they seem kinda useless in my opinion. again thanks anyway
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