hey :) first of all, contagion engine is great, but in a fast infect deck, i would go with the clasp. as for colored infect creatures, i think you can pass the rats (even though they work with some of your proliferate) i think plague stinger is better card in this sort of deck. also some more promising removal (not disfigure) are necessary like go for the throat or doom blade (if someone drops an overgrown battlement or wall of omens, or any big toughness defender, you wouldn't be able to get any posion damage in for a long while.
this is hardly aggro.... but it is a very nice deck. dark ritual is sweet but is usually for combo deck that need a lot of early mana (first turn emerkul or something). you have some discard in this deck so maybe put in Sangromancer. if naot you can get rid of your discard (liliana and specter) and put in some more wall of omens and maybe blinding mage.
you dont need all of these creatures that gai you life when they enter, except maybe lone missionary (cheap) and the angel (3/3 flying). lose the moth for soul's attendant. put in serra ascendant, and maybe divinty of pride. boon reflection is slow, ive played with it, kinda annoying. ajani's pridemate is great in this deck, and maybe ajani goldmane too (or elspeth tirel)
sun titan can be nice. but i really dont understand why put in blue? you have mana leak spell pierce and preordain, which are nice, but dont quite fit. also maybe a wrath affect like day of judgment or maybe elspeth.
first of all, 60 cards, no more. you can cut the moth and the elite vanguard for 4 soul's attendant. you can lose: endless horizons (good cards but does nothing in life gain), leyline of sanctity, privileged position, heart of light, serra's embrace. Maybe put lone missionary (your low on 2 mana cost) as for spells, try survival cache or brave the elements or rest for the weary.
well, first of all, nice idea. i would add a Hand of the Praetors and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon if you can afford them also i dont really get what white sun and nomad assembly are doing for you
first of all 60 cards, no more. you can drop the enchanments, the dont do much, you dont need mana eccel that much, also liginfy is great removal
i would lose bargain and put in rest for the weary. also maybe kabira krossroads can work here. i would lose goldenglow moth and get soul's attendant.lightkeeper of emeria can be very slow, i would lose her for maybe cradle of vitality.
no, only basic lands
very nice deck, i think i would add Noble Hierarch and either loxodon maybe behemoth sledge
if you want to go infect (and it seems you do) i would put in phyrexian crusader. also maybe some swords or other equipment
maybe put in a vampire nighthawk?
nice idea for a deck. but there are a few prolems, not enough mana ecelleration to be playing 16 lands, i would add birds of paradise, also verdant catacombs are ideal but only if you can afford it. also, glissa, savra and nath are ledgendary, so playing 4 of each can be tricky, i would play 3 of each at most good luck
you can cut golem's heart and mirran mettle, add maybe another equipment like argentum armor or one of the sword (vengence, feast on famine, body and mind) if you can afford it. if not put in some removal like slice in twain and galvanic blast, or spikeshot elder
i saw your deck, these are very different. yes there both white knight but his is T2, yours isn't. not net decking...
nice deck, maybe ajani could be nice to get +1/+1 counters on all of your creatures. also if your going carapace forger, maybe also auriok sunchaser?
lux nicw :) but actually, the lux canon is kinda slow in this deck. i would put in goblin bushwhacker.
whitesun's passage doesnt go in this deck.... knight exemplar and more leonin skyhunter. lose the dispense, its not that good....
first of all, 60 cards, no more and defintly no less i would lose the walls, although i like them in general, im not sure about weenie
nice deck, i only have a bit of a problem with the sideboard. bladed pinios?!?!?! not going to help you, i would put in kor firewalker, white knight and maybe journey to nowhere (for the creature you need out of the battlefield, arrest wont help: rampaging baloth, admonition angel etc..)
61-80 of 187 items