I'm sorry but this deck wont stand a chance in any tournament. 25 lands 3 explore 3 cultivate and 2 Chancellor of the Tangle is not ramp, it will be at least 6 turn until you play a decent spell and by that time any agressive deck will have killed you, valakut will be doing it in a few turn, with despise, jace, a few hawks with swords on them and very possibly a counter in hand, caw blade will be tear this deck too shreads. Again i'm sorry but please don't label decks tournament quality until you tested them thoughtfully.
Looks very nice, but a few things i would change. Try 60 cards, no more.... instead of prodigial pyromancer, try cunning sparkmage, he has haste. I don't understand why you are playing blue, for turn aside? you can lose turn aside, the islands and you can live with losing 2 life when casting metamorph. i would replace flame slash with lightning bolt. good luck :)
no wing splicer? i think that flying is better than vigilence and better than trample.... also 20 lands is kinda low for 12 5 drops.... i think you can lose the bant charm and the growth spasm. go cultivate instead. and replace mirran mettle with vines of the vastwood, it can keep your golems alive in case of doom blades and such
"Tournament Quality" really?!?!?!!? 18 7+ spells and you think this could stand a remote chance against caw blade?
my bad, replaced it....
without fauna shaman, the melira/unlife combo doesn't seem so great... I think you can play 1 argentum armor, and maybe put in mox opal (2 copies I think). I would put in fauna shaman, vengvine and lose the melira unlife. Also dispatch isn't that great, maybe x3?
i think you can drop explore, because you dont want to ramp in this deck so much, harrow is for mana fix, and i would put cultivate in the sideboard against blue, having harrow countered sucks... also maybe contagion clasp can work here, prolifearating your planeswalkers, maybe cut a few lands, most your creatures fix your mana...
you can lose ajani's mantra and lightmine field. wall of fieth can be replace with wall of omens and wall of reverence. angel's mercy, soul's grace and landbind ritual can go, they dont do much. solemn offering is played in sideboard in my opinion. also, ajani's pridemate, serra ascendant, soul's attendent rule in this sort of life gain deck
nice deck, I like the explenation. though you see that you have a problem with creatures, stuff like wall of omens and overgrown battlement to go with it are nice. also, maybe some counters like mana leak and spell pierce.
try 22 lands, and maybe some duals (razorverge thicket) also, to help you find overwrown battlement, get lead the stampede. you can lose stalwart shield-bearers, and get wall of omens, which is the best defender in standard.
Why are people so inthused by ajani's Mantra? It works well with his pridemate, yes, but it sucks ball in any other way...... the transcedent master is greart, but he costs too much and you wont get to activate him, he wont be 9/9 lifelink indistructable, trust me. also with bounce spell's in the current standard format (into the roil, jace 2.0....) he is at a real disadvatage. although vs a deck like valakut, he owns, I played with him in the last gameday against valakut (with g/w ramp deck) and got to about 60 life with him. also 18 lands is wayyyyyyy to low in this deck
looks very nice, I cant say that i have something to change....
Holy Day can be replaced with safe passage, it costs 2 more mana but is much better. Ajani's Mantra sucks, you can lose it... With Oblivion Ring and Doom Blade, I think you can lose Pacifism. Sanguine Bond is heavy on the mana curve so i'd put 2-3 copies in. Also, Vampire Nighthawk is insane, and great in black life gain. Also, i'm surprised that there is no Divinity of Pride here...
well, you need help finding your stuff, lead the stampede is nice. also, this is turn 7, because the tokens have summoning sickness......
look decent, but for a one drop, I would trade ardent recruit for soul's attendant. also 18 lands is not enough, try 20 16 plains + 4 kabira crossroads
This looks very nice, I really like the idea. I think you can lose stoic rebuttal. If you can afford it, I would upgrade the llanowar elvs for birds of paradise, and terramorphic expense for misty rainforest. also, i would say some more stuff to copy, maybe wormcoil engine? or some more flying? good luck
First of all 60 cards, no more! you have more fetch lands than lands, so that if you reach 8 lands, every other land will be useless, i would lose the evolving wilds and the terramorphic expense. steppe lynx is for aggressive decks, and it is the only aggressive card in your deck so you can lose it. put in 4 birds of paradise. you can lose the explore, cultivate and harrow do the job pretty well.
birds of paradise mayybe? lead the stampede to help find your golems. ou can lose unnatural predation and put some better pumo spell like giant growth or mirran mettle or vine of the vastwood. golem artisan is also kinda good
lone missionary is great with venser. hes shit anywhere else
divinity of pride? soul warden? vourcious hatcling
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